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2015年春南湾中学初二年英语能力竞赛试题 Name:______ Class:_____ Score:____ Ⅰ.Multiple-choice(选择填空)(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) ( )1. After school we usually play basketball for half an hour on playground A. the, a B. /; the C. /; an D. the; / ( )2. Here are some flowers you our best wishes. A. to; for B. for; with C. of; to D. form; to ( )3. ——Who taught Japanese? ——Nobody, I just learned it by A. your; myself B. you ; I C. yours ; me D. you; myself ( )4. I stopped and on the bed to have a rest. A. to work; to lie B. to work; lied C. working; lay D. working ; lying ( )5. Cherry, Lily’s sister, at the aquarium yesterday and she also watched a movie dolphins. A. were; on B. are; from C. was; about D. is; of ( )6. Jane is very happy because she is off today. The underlined(划线的)word can be replaced(被代替)by “ “ A. at that time B. at once C. now D. for a second ( )7. Our Chinese teacher is in the office at the moment. The underlined wants can be replaced by“ ”. A. at that time B. at once C. now D. for a second ( )8. ?——Can you speak English? ——Yes, but only . I know I should try harder. A. a little B. a few C. little D. few ( )9.——Tony, is your brother as active as you? ——No, he’s a quiet boy. He is than me. A. outgoing B. more active C. less outgoing D. much active ( )10. She began to play the violin she was six years old. A. when B. because C. but D. as (B).Translation(翻译)(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) 根据括号内的提示词语,将下列句子翻译成汉语或英语. 11.Better late than never. ____________________________________________________ 12.People have a long way to go before they achieve world peace. _____________________________________________________ 13.早起的鸟有虫吃。(笨鸟先飞)。 ____________________________________________________ 14、我们每天练习英语很重要。(it) ______ 15、凯特不得不在家照顾她生病的爸爸。(


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