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和wi;一.中考英语单项选择题 1.Mrs Black______________ and didnt look up when he husband entered the room. A.went on to write B.went on with writing C.went on writin g D.went on write 1.C。go on后面可以接不定式、动名词和with结构。go on doing sth.指“继续做……”,表示继续做原来正在做的事情;go on to do sth.指“接着做……”另一件事;go on with“继续做某事”,后接名词或代词。 ;2.I never drive______________60 km on the road. A.more fast than B.faster than C.much fast than D.more faster than 2.B。表示比较,用“more than”结构。 ; 3.She cant do it______________,but she could ask someone else to do it. A.she B.her C.hers D.herself 3.D。根据句式,这里用反身代词表示“强调”,译为“亲自;自己”。 ;4.Alas!It was not______________easy ______________all that. A.very,as B.so,as C.too,to D.such,as 4.B。同级比较用as...as,not so(as)...as句式。 ; 5.He was so ______________,he couldnt even afford the carfare(车费). A.poor B.rich C.clever D.bright 5.A ; 6.The sun light was coming in______________the window. A.past B.pass C.through D.across 6.C。本题重点测试through和across的区别。through表示“从……当中穿过,或从一边到另一边”,动作在三维空间进行;across一般用于表示“横过;越过”,动作在某一物体表面进行。 ;7.This book is______________more difficult for the students in Grade One. A.rather B.quite C.too D.very 7.A。本题侧重rather和quite的比较。两个词都表示“相当”,rather较quite语气重。 rather可以与比较级或too连用;quite不能。 ; 8.A lot of people in the world are______________in the future of China. A.interest B.interestin g C.interests D.interested 8.D。be interesting意指“有趣的”;be interested in用于表示“对……感兴趣”。 ; 9.They______________much time in developing the new computer softwares. A.took B.spent C.cost D.got 9.B。take,spend,cost都可以表示“花费”,cost的主语必须是“物”,后面多接“钱”; spend的主语必须是“某人”,句式结构为:someone spent some time(in)doing sth.;take的主语是不定式,多用it做形式主语,句式结构为:It takes(took)sb.some time to do sth. ; 10.His company owned ______________dollars ten years ago. A.million B.million of C.millions of D.ten millions 10.C。hundred,thousand,million,billion几个词用做数词时,不能用复数形式,作名词时,必须同of连用,这些词必须用复数形式。 ; 11.The river is__________200 metres wide,_________no one can reach to opposite bank. A.nearly,nearly B.nearly


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