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降糖通脉片说明书 降糖通脉片(万德)益气养阴,活血化瘀,通经活络。用于气阴不足,瘀血阻络所致消渴,多饮、多食、多尿、消瘦、乏力,以及型糖尿病见上述证候者。下面是学习啦小编整理的降糖通脉片说明书,欢迎阅读。   降糖通脉片商品介绍 通用名:降糖通脉片 生产厂家: 长春万德制药有限公司 批准文号:国药准 药品规格:*30片 药品价格:¥15元   降糖通脉片说明书 【通用名称】降糖通脉片 【商品名称】降糖通脉片(万德) 【拼音全码】 【主要成份】太子参、黄芪、黄精、天冬、麦冬、玄参、天花粉、苍术、知母、葛根、黄连、丹参、益母草、赤芍、水蛭、川牛膝、鸡血藤、威灵仙、荔枝核、地龙、川芎。 【性状】降糖通脉片为薄膜衣片,除去包衣后显黄色至棕褐色;气香,味微苦。 【适应症功能主治】益气养阴,活血化瘀,通经活络。用于气阴不足,瘀血阻络所致消渴,多饮、多食、多尿、消瘦、乏力,以及型糖尿病见上述证候者。 【规格型号】*30 【用法用量】口服。一次3~4片,一日3次;饭后服用或遵医嘱。 【不良反应】尚不明确。 【禁忌】尚不明确。 【注意事项】定期复查血糖。 【药物相互作用】如与其他药物同时使用可能会发生药物相互作用,详情请咨询医师或药师。 【贮藏】密封保存。 【包装】*30盒。 【有效期】24月 【批准文号】国药准 【生产企业】长春万德制药有限公司 降糖通脉片(万德)的功效与作用降糖通脉片(万德)益气养阴,活血化瘀,通经活络。用于气阴不足,瘀血阻络所致消渴,多饮、多食、多尿、消瘦、乏力,以及型糖尿病见上述证候者。   降糖通脉片服用常见问题 问:降糖通脉片(万德)主治功能是什么? 答:益气养阴,活血化瘀,通经活络。用于气阴不足,瘀血阻络所致消渴,多饮、多食、多尿、消瘦、乏力,以及型糖尿病见上述证候者。 daily morning exercises or class-break setting-up exercise and discipline inspection and appraisal of public signs;2, daily cleaning and inspection;3, the daily student school appearance, dress, wearing school card check;4, the daily duty guide to the leadership class discipline three rounds.Weekly moral education work:L, the flag raising ceremony and the national flag speech under the flag raising ceremony held on Monday;2, every week a class meeting, the meeting;3, every week two exercises, cleaning and hygiene, behavior norms, attendance situation published cloth appraisal, and the issue of the code of conduct;;4, weekly work week.Monthly moral education work:1, at least once a month, the theme of education activities, to patriotism education, behavior norms of education as the focus, combined with major retreat day.2, the monthly class quantization assessment and class teacher assessment, selection of behavior for the standard model class.Moral education in each term:1, at the end of each semester to form three good student, outstanding student cadres, civilized student.2, at least once a semester, parent


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