Asking the Way indoors--楼内问路.ppt

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Asking the Way indoors--楼内问路

* * in particular 特别是,特别(地) e.g. You should avoid eating fat meat, pork in particular. 你应该避免吃肥肉,特别是猪肉。 He suggested several plans at the meeting, and one in particular seemed good and practical. 她在会上提出了几项计划,有一项看起来特别切实可行。 Text Analysis 语言点(Language Points) 课文补充注释(Notes to Passages) In order to apply for a job at a joint venture,he comes to Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Limited to see the personnel manager for a job opening advertised in the newspaper 为了在一家合资企业找到一份工作,他来到辉瑞制药有限公司拜见人事经理,询问报纸上刊登的一则招聘广告。 1) in order to 以便,为了(跟不定式),可用于句首或句中表示目的。 e.g . In order to learn English, he gets up early to read it aloud every day. 为了学好英语,他每天早起朗读。 语言点(Language Points) 课文补充注释(Notes to Passages) The Browns were saving as much as possible in order to buy a flat. 为了买一套公寓,布朗一家节衣缩食。 动词不定式作目的状语,也可不用in order,如本句的to see the personnel manager.... 2) apply for 申请 e.g. To apply for a visa to go abroad, you must submit your passport together with some other application forms. 想要申请出国签证,就必须提交护照和其他申请表格。 Just go along the corridor, turn left at the corner. 顺着走廊走,在拐角处向左转。 turn left/right 向左/右拐 e.g. Go along the street, turn left at the first corner and you’ll find the post office. 沿着大街往前走,第一个拐角处向左拐,就是邮局。 Turn left first, then turn right, the shopping center is in front of you. 先向左拐,再向右拐,你就看到购物中心了。 He Ming is informed to come to the company to take an interview at the reception room. 贺明得到通知要到公司的接待室去接受面试。 take an interview 参加面试; give an interview 进行面试 e.g. The receptionist told him to take an interview at the interviewer’s room. 接待员告诉他在面视室面试。 Jane was given an interview and was put on the short list. 珍妮的到了面试机会并且被列入优先考虑的名单之中。 He is asking the office secretary to show him the way to the reception room. 他请办公室的秘书告诉他去接待室的路。 show sb. The way to 告诉…去…的路 e.g. Excuse me. Will you show me the way to the airport? 劳驾。请问到飞机场怎么走? As a receptionist, Mary often shows the visitors the way to the manager’s office.


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