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GLOSSARY 词汇表 (收听发音, 请单击英语单词) the Chinese lunar calendar 中国农历 borders 边界 engage 参与 theatre production 剧作 volunteers 志愿者 landmarks 地标性建筑 generations 世世代代 feature prominently 显著的 unique 独一无二的 try your hand at 试试手 stretch far beyond 远远超越 conducted a study 进行一项研究 the arts world 艺术世界 theatre professionals 戏剧界专业人 lantern-lit 点燃灯笼的 backstreets 后街 cross paths 交叉 site-specific 实地的 a fan dance 扇舞 arts and crafts 工艺 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 On 25th September this year, people all over China will be getting together to eat with their families, look at the moon and celebrate one of the biggest festivals in the Chinese lunar calendar. However, the celebrations stretch far beyond the borders of China. Here in the UK events are taking place for Chinese people living here, and to teach the people of Britain more about this popular festival. The Soho Theatre in London conducted a study which showed that Chinese Londoners dont engage much with the arts world. As a result, Moonwalking In China has been created to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. This is no normal theatre production though, as it doesnt take place in the theatre. Theatre professionals and volunteers from the local community will take audiences around the streets of Soho on a magical lantern-lit walk through the landmarks and backstreets of Chinatown. They tell the story of three generations of Chinese Londoners who all cross paths one night in Chinatown. Rabbits, karaoke and a woman who lives on the moon all feature prominently. Its the Soho Theatres first site-specific production and looks to be a unique way of marking the famous Chinese festival. And the celebrations dont stop there! In early October the British Museum is actually opening late for a special free Mid-Autumn Festival event. There will be Chinese musical performances, a guess-the-mooncake-flavour game and you can learn how to perform a fan dance. You can also try your hand at a variety of other traditional Chinese arts and crafts



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