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宣告中止搜寻MH370 The underwater search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has ended in failure, leaving one of the world’s greatest aviation mysteries unsolved almost three years after the aircraft disappeared. 对失踪的马来西亚航空(Malaysia Airlines) MH370班机的水下搜索以失败告终。在该班机失踪将近三年后,这个全球最大的航空谜团之一仍未被解开。 In a joint statement on Tuesday, China, Malaysia and Australia said they were suspending the operation and the last vessel had left the 120,000 sq km underwater search area without being able to locate the plane. 在周二发表的一份联合公报中,中国、马来西亚和澳大利亚表示它们正中止搜寻行动,最后一艘搜索船已离开面积为12万平方公里的水下搜索海区,没有找到该班机的下落。 “Despite every effort using the best science available, cutting-edge technology, as well as modelling and advice from highly skilled professionals who are the best in their field?.?.?.?the search has not been able to locate the aircraft,” said the Joint Agency Co-ordination Centre, which led the search. “Accordingly, the underwater search for MH370 has been suspended.” “尽管搜索已竭尽所能,采用了最好的科技,先进的技术和模拟,以及相关领域中出类拔萃专业人士提出的建议,遗憾的是,搜索未能找到飞机。”领导搜寻工作的联合机构协调中心(Joint Agency Co-ordination Centre)表示,“据此,MH370的水下搜索暂告中止。” MH370.jpg MH370 went missing en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8 2014 with 239 passengers and crew on board, prompting one of the longest and most complex search operations in history. The underwater search has concentrated on a remote part of the Indian Ocean off Western Australia — where investigators believe the aircraft ditched in the ocean after running out of fuel. MH370班机2014年3月8日由吉隆坡飞往北京途中失踪,机上有239名乘客和机组人员。它的失踪引发了史上持续时间最长、复杂程度最高的搜寻行动。水下搜索工作聚焦于西澳大利亚州外的印度洋偏远海域——调查人员认为,该班机在耗尽燃油后坠入了这一带的大洋中。 Experts have been left baffled as to why the aircraft went “dark” — someone on board is thought to have deliberately disabled the transponder, a device that identifies an aircraft on radar screens — before the jet veered off-course. 专家们一直没弄明白该班机为何“失联”,据信机上有人故意关闭了应答机(一种在雷达屏幕上确认飞机身份的设备)。该班机失联后改变了航向。 Radar tracking showed the aircraft changed course to the west, leaving its original rou


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