omega-7脂肪酸的功能研究现状 - 食品安全质量检测学报.doc

omega-7脂肪酸的功能研究现状 - 食品安全质量检测学报.doc

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omega-7脂肪酸的功能研究现状 - 食品安全质量检测学报

Omega-7脂肪酸的功能研究现状 刘锦宜黄雪松 (暨南大学食品科学与工程系广州510632) 摘 要: Omega-7脂肪酸是一组单不饱和脂肪酸。近年来, 随着相关研究的深入, 其营养价值和生理功能越来越为人们所认识。如可作为信号分子在机体代谢中发挥重要作用, 可提高人体对胰岛素的敏感性, 对糖尿病、代谢综合征和动脉粥样硬化有一定功效, 有助于抵抗炎症和控制体重等。目前国外已有(-7脂肪酸相关保健食品上市, 但由于其在体内的代谢研究尚未完善等原因, 国内进行相关保健食品的生产研究较少。天然(-7脂肪酸常见于秘鲁凤尾鱼、野生鲑鱼等深海鱼类和沙棘果油、澳洲坚果油、海藻等植物类食品中, 但其含量很低。高浓度的(-7脂肪酸需要通过特殊纯化工艺提取, 目前采用的方法一般是分子蒸馏和超临界CO2萃取。本文综述(-7脂肪酸在食品、保健品方面的功能研究现状及产品开发情况, 旨在为(-7脂肪酸的开发利用提供参考。 关键词: Omega-7脂肪酸; 激素样; 胰岛素; 动脉粥样硬化; 抗炎 Functional research status of Omega-7 fatty acidsLIU Jin-Yi, HUANG Xue-Song* (Department of Food Science and Engineering, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China) ABSTRACT: Omega-7 fatty acids are a group of monounsaturated fatty acids. In recent years, with the deepening of related researches, their nutritional values and physiological functions are more and more recognized. For example, as signal molecules, (-7 fatty acids play an important role in improving the bodys sensitivity to insulin and have a certain effect on diabetes, metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis. They can also help to resist inflammations and control body weight. Some (-7 fatty acid health food are already for sale abroad. Due to the in vivo metabolic mechanism of (-7 fatty acids is not clear and other reasons, domestic research about the production of related health food is relatively less. Natural (-7 fatty acids are common in Peruvian anchovies, wild salmons and other deep-sea fishes, as well as plants like seabuckthorn oil, macadamia oil, seaweed and others, with very low content. High concentrations of (-7 fatty acids require special purification after extraction, such as molecular distillation and supercritical CO2 extraction, and so on. In this paper, the function and development of Omega-7 fatty acids in food and health products were reviewed, so as to provide references for the development and utilization of Omega-7 fatty acids. KEY WORDS: Omega-7 fatty acids; hormone-like; insulin; atherosclerosis; anti-inflammatory 1 引言 Omega-7, 又记为Omega7、Om



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