predicating forest biophysical properties with lidar – jenn jensen.ppt

predicating forest biophysical properties with lidar – jenn jensen.ppt

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predicating forest biophysical properties with lidar – jenn jensen

Predicting Biophysical Properties of Mixed Conifer Stands in Northern Idaho with Small Footprint LiDAR. Jennifer Jensen, Karen Humes, PhD Geography Department, University of Idaho Laurie Ames, Jeff Cronce, John Degroot, Land Services and Forestry Departments, Nez Perce Tribe Overview Research Background Nez Perce LiDAR Research Objectives Study Area Overview LiDAR and Field Data Acquisition Statistical Analysis Results/Operational Models Conclusions/Considerations Current/On-going Research Research Background LiDAR research funded by NASA BAA-01-OES-01 Nez Perce Tribe and UI engaged in cooperative research agreement to complete various performance metrics General purpose of grant to aid in operational decision-making on tribal-owned lands on Nez Perce reservation utilizing remote sensing technology LiDAR and Forest Management Forest characteristics such as vegetation height, basal area, volume, and crown properties are common attributes assigned to entire stands based on plot surveys Operational decisions are based on varying biophysical properties and management strategies within a stand(s) Current surveying techniques are relatively costly and time-consuming, yet necessary for quantification of forest attributes LiDAR and Nez Perce Forests The Nez Perce Tribe manages approximately 55,000 forested acres High sample density LiDAR data acquired for ~33,000 acres of forested land across 5 separate geographic regions Specific research objective: Assess the ability of LiDAR data to predict forest stand characteristics similar accuracy as those measurements conducted in situ for 5 study areas comprising a total of 32,978 acres. Diversity of Study Area Selection Stands selected to represent greatest range of size (DBH) and density (crown closure). Study plots further sub-selected from stands based on mean canopy height, stem density, and species composition LiDAR Data Acquisition Leica Geosystems ALS-40 sensor mounted on a Cessna 310 aircraft Flight Height


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