research and practice of green action program 绿行动方案之研拟 ....pdf

research and practice of green action program 绿行动方案之研拟 ....pdf

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research and practice of green action program 绿行动方案之研拟 ...

Advances in Environmental Protection 环境保护前沿, 2014, 4, 233-244 Published Online December 2014 in Hans. /journal/aep /10.12677/aep.2014.46032 Research and Practice of Green Action Program Shiang-Yuarn Chen Department of Landscape Architecture, Chung Hua University, Hsinchu Email: th th th Received: Nov. 24 , 2014; revised: Dec. 4 , 2014; accepted: Dec. 9 , 2014 Copyright © 2014 by author and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract This research was an experimental project of environmental improvement. The study objects were the National Feng-Yuan Senior High School and its surrounding communities. The government con- tinues to propose urban and rural transformation plans to improve gradually deteriorating physi- cal environment. Different sectors supervise these plans, for example, the Construction and Plan- ning Agency leading the “Townscape Renaissance Project” and the Ministry of Education conducting the “Sustainable Campus”. Since school administration dominates campus planning for most of the cases, students and teachers rarely have opportunities to participate in decision-making. This study tried to propose hardware and software environment improving schemes for the campus and communities under the planning concepts of sustainable campus and eco-community. Furthermore, sustainable thought was promoted from campus to communities. Therefore, this case study was conducted as bottom-up instead of the traditional top-down planning pattern. The process not only provided the main users, including the residents, the chances to fully express their opinions at the beginn


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