TDA8844 OM8839PS黑屏(国外英文资料).doc

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TDA8844 OM8839PS黑屏(国外英文资料)

TDA8844 OM8839PS黑屏(国外英文资料) The TDA8844 OM8839PS black screen, with no matte, has a sound, and the light flashes when it is turned off Causes the black screen: In the case of an abnormal pulse, it is not normal for the viewing circuit to work. The black current control circuit in the final level of the integration block. The extreme high-voltage detection circuit of the TDA8843 (50) foot; TDA8843 (39) the black level extension circuit of the foot; At the end of the stage. There is a failure of the system control circuit. The reverse pulse loss. Maintenance methods: (1) if the power supply voltage loss of the video magnifying block is lost, the problem is not that the white grating is out of control, but black screen. Thats the special thing about these machines. It is recommended that the power supply circuit element be examined first. The TDA6108 / JF is a thick film block and the mainboard TDA8839PS / 8843. When the power supply voltage is lost, the resulting failure is not a white grating, but a black screen. It is recommended that the power supply circuit element be examined first. For example, the philips TDA8844 machine heart is hbc-3408, no grating has a sound accompaniment. The TDA6108JF is not normal, or even zero, at the end of the power supply 200V. Should check to see if it is the same with the zunzier diode VD1710, or R1710. Such as changhong CH - 10 machine heart changhong 2939 fd, should check TDA6108 7 was pet-name ruby output foot, R, G, B peripheral resistance is open circuit, such as RY01 Ω (1.5 K). For ace TCL3416, check to see if the power supply 200V is R535 open and Q514 breakdown. Such as the philips TDA884X machine heart heel-2999 without the grating has the sound, should check the TDA6108JF and the 200V power circuit component, such as C510, R506, C520, etc. The black screen failure will be caused by the loss of the power supply voltage to the machine that USES TDA5112 for the thick film block and the main plate TDA8838. It is recommended t


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