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滚动检测一(国外英文资料) (a) Chapter 1, 2 (90 minutes and 100 minutes) The first Ⅰ (choice altogether 45 points) One, the choice question. (this topic includes 15 little questions, each of which has a single choice. (1) in the following statement, what is not true is () A. study the basic procedure of the properties of chlorine gas: observe the appearance of appearance, predict its properties, experiment and observation, explain and draw conclusions B. When the solution is made up, if the water exceeds the measuring line of the volumetric bottle, the solution will be sucked out of the excess solution C. chlorine, ammonia, and hydrochloric acid are both conductive, but not electrolytes The elements of D.N a2O and Na2O2 are the same, but not the same as the CO2 And thats choice B. Study basic program of Cl2 properties conform to the material properties of the basic procedures, observe the appearance of the material properties to predict the properties of material, experiment and observation and explanation to the conclusion that A correct; When the solution is made up, if the water exceeds the scale, the solution should not be sucked out of the excess solution by the pipe. Chlorine, ammonia, hydrochloric acid are mixtures, not electrolytes, and C is correct; Na2O and CO2 reactions only generate Na2CO3, Na2O2 and CO2 reactions not only generate Na2CO3, but also produce O2, so the product is different, and D is correct. The following material classification or classification is correct () The mixture: carbonic acid, formalin, water glass, mercury Compound: CaCl2, caustic, polystyrene, HD The electrolyte: alum, alum, acetic acid, barium sulphate Group: CH2O2, C2H4O2, C3H6O2, C4H8O2 Organic matter: alcohol, oil, sugar, protein A. in b. by c. in d. in A. b. b. c. d. And thats choice D. Carboxylic acid is a phenol, which is a compound, and mercury is a single substance, formalin and water glass as a mixture. HD is a single substance, wrong; CH2O2, C2H4O2, C3H6O2, C4H8O2 are different



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