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中国医科大学《大学英语2》在线作业试卷总分:100? ? ? ?测试时间:--单选题一、单选题(共?50?道试题,共?100?分。)V1.??When do the bids rise most?The bids rise most just before the close of the ().A. auctionB. actionC. activistD. act??????满分:2??分2.??She has that reserve and slight coldness of manner which is () English.A. typicallyB. physicallyC. economicallyD. permanently??????满分:2??分3.??She is continually () her position/authority by getting other people to do things for her.A. abusingB. teasingC. usingD. tempting??????满分:2??分4.??We were in the same college, () was male-only at that time.A. thatB. whichC. itD. although??????满分:2??分5.??— I don‘t think that it‘s true. He‘s always telling strange stories.— ().A. Why not!B. I am of the same opinion. I think his story is true this time.C. I know. But this time I can‘t decide if he is right or not.D. I cannot share your view. It must be a false story.??????满分:2??分6.??— It’s been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much.A. Just so-so.B. No, thanks.C. My pleasure.D. It’s OK.??????满分:2??分7.??I dont enjoy () activities.A. feasibleB. physicalC. sensitiveD. critical??????满分:2??分8.??— I am afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth.— ().A. Don’t worry about it.B. What’s wrong with you?C. What’s happened?D. You have done well.??????满分:2??分9.??— Can I help you? What would you like?— I don’t know.— Would you like something to eat? How about some cakes?— (). I think I’d like some bread.A. Yes, pleaseB. That’s itC. No, thanksD. It doesn’t matter??????满分:2??分10.??The commission is made up of five people, () two women.A. includingB. involvingC. includedD. involved??????满分:2??分11.??I have heard () he will come tomorrow.A. whenB. howC. whatD. that??????满分:2??分12.??I first met Simon three years ago. She () at a university at that time.A. has workedB. was workingC. has been workingD. had worked??????满分:2??分13.??—Don‘t think in Chinese when youre speaking English.— ().A. You are quite right. I just think in Chinese.B. I’m sorry, but I think in English.C. You can say that again.D. It’s n


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