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Chinese civilization(文化) has a long history. Ancient Chinese poetry is one of the immortal(不朽) chapters. Experienced the baptism(洗礼)and sedimentation(沉淀) of five thousand years , Chinese poetry has been the peak(尖端) of the world. China is a poetry of the country,and it is well known with its artistic conception (意境)and rich philosophy(哲理).Because of this, it left deeply footprint in history. I think that the spirit of a poem is its realm.There are three realms for poetry:the realm of physical world(物境),the realm of feelings(情境),the realm idea(意境). In poetry,the poets often placed their feelings and wishes in the description of objective things, making things seem to have a natural humanemotion,creating a situation with scenery and emotions. So in ancient Chinese poetry, everything has a feeling. That is why we can say ancient Chinese poetry translation is always most challengeable.(具有挑战性的) “In translating a poem,the reproduction of the beauty of meaning always come first” (译诗时,传达原诗意美是最重要的) ——许渊冲 Only when a reader can appreciate the meaning of the ancient Chinese poetry ,can he enjoy the beauty of them. But because of the cultural differences between Chinese and foreign,when we translate,it is difficult to find an equivalent in western literature criticism theory. 《静夜思》 李 白 床 前 明 月 光, 疑 是 地 上 霜。 举 头 望 明 月, 低 头 思 故 乡。 The Moon Shines Everywhere Seeing the Moon before my couch so bright, I thought hoar frost had fallen from the night. On her clear face I gaze with lifted eyes: Then hide them full of Youths sweet memories. Longing in the Night Before the bed shore the bright moonlight at hand, I fancy it was frost on the ground. I raised my head to look at the bright moon, and lowered my head to think of my native land. Thoughts in a Still Night The luminuous moonshine before my bed, Is thougth to be the frost fallen on the ground. I life my head to gaze at the cliff moon, And then bow down to muse on my di


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