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The Similarities of Chinese Culture Chinese and Britain are the historical origins of the state. Different from other western countries, the British in the greeting etiquette is very subtle, this approach is very similar to China. The differences between two countries never can stop the communication of each other. We should learn more advantages from each other to enrich ourselves culture and get a better understanding of each otherculture.Various kinds of culture make the world colorful and the intercultural communication studys exist make the world harmony . * Oriental Etiquette In China Our country has a long history for about 5,ooo years . In ancient times, people had lots of different ways of greetings when they met with each others . Ritual 跪拜礼 Widely used in Chinese ancient society. Until the revolution of 1911 ,this etiquette perished with feudal system. 广泛应用于中国古代社会, 这种礼仪一直到辛亥革命时才伴随着封建制度一同灭亡。 Ritual 跪拜礼 1.Bow with hands clasped 揖: This is the two sides meet each other in ancient one of the most common etiquette. 这是古代宾主相见的最常见的礼仪 2. make a low bow and withdraw 长揖,This is a disrespectful meet etiquette.(这是一种不分尊卑的见面礼仪) 3. 拱:A meeting etiquette of the ancient.(古代的一种见面礼)Consistency in the chest with both hands to pay tribute.(两手在胸前相合表示敬意) The kinds of meeting etiquette 1.Hand shaking etiquette. 2.Bowing etiquette. 3.Hugging etiquette 4.Hand kissing etiquette. Handshaking etiquette Standards: 1.The senior or the person who is in the high position hand first. 2.Woman hand first. 3.Superior hand first. 4.The teacher hand first. 5.The host hand first. Attention You must use right hand to shake hands, especially shaking hands with Singaporean ,Malaysian, Thai,Arab,Indian. They think that the left hand is used to doing unclean things . Attention back Bowing etiquette 1.You should take off your hat and stand at attention. 2.You should look at the recipient(接受者) and bend forward . 3.Men’s hands shoul


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