中国古代婚嫁 英语.ppt

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中国古代婚嫁 英语

And more? 比武招亲 抛绣球 1、Three letters and six rites 2、The brides trousseau 3、New marriage room They are the basic traditional Chinese marriage customs . Three books 1、Letter of appointment聘书 2、gift books礼书 3、books to meet 迎书 The three book six rite 《三书》 [聘书]:男女双方在订婚时男家交予女家的书柬,用作确定婚约。 [礼书]:男家在过大礼时女家的书信,详细列明过大礼时的物品和数量。 [迎书]:迎亲当日,男家送给女家的书柬。 这三书是整个婚礼程序中男女互相致敬的书柬 Six etiquette 纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎 Nano mining 1 1 namely the man home please matchmaker to what the womans family, 。 ask name 2 namely the man home please matchmaker asked her name and date of birth. 六礼 Nagy, imre 3 namely the man to the womans name, eight after back, in the temple for divination.。 Please period 5 family name the day, for the ceremony, and the womans family told the agree Nano sign 4 also called accept money, that is home to the dowry to the womans family. Close to meet 6 namely the groom kiss the brides side to marry. New marriage room TITLE Green House In ancient times, the marriage room which dont call bridal chamber, and said green house. 在古代,结婚用的婚房不叫“洞房”,而称“青庐”。 The brides trousseau Wish To daughter a happy life Dowry is woman get married, from home with the past things, in ancient times is a womans personal items 鸡心“倒流壶”象征心心相印 鸬鹚汤匙“压床”吉祥物 Gold and silver jewelry * 新娘嫁妆 Long feng quilt 痰盂 花瓶 铜盘 鞋 金银 首饰 …… Gold and silver jewelry vase shoe copper plate A bridal sedan chair 花轿 Sitting bridal sedan chair means the bride is the first wife and marry into bridegroom’s house in an open, correct manner. Bow 拜堂 Bow is including three-kneel(三跪), nine-worship(九叩首), six-risingbow(六升拜). After that the master of the ceremonies will sing to lead the bow ceremony come to an end. Enter bridal chamber When the bridegroom and bride enter bridal chamber with ribbon,they should go on the jute bag(麻袋),means perpetuating(传宗接代). Sit up in bed 坐床 After entering bridal chamber,it’s time to sit up in bed(坐床), right on the edge of bridegroom and left bride. A lady who enjoys both


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