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doi:10.11676/qxxb2013.xxx 半隐式半拉格朗日动力框架的动能谱分析* 郑永骏 金之雁 陈德辉 ZHENG Yongjun JIN Zhiyan CHEN Dehui 1.中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室,北京,100081 2. XXX 1.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences,Beijing 100081,China 2.XXX 2011-09-06收稿,2012-04-27改回.(这个时间编辑加工时会补上) 郑永骏,金之雁,陈德辉.2013.半隐式半拉格朗日动力框架的动能谱分析.气象学报,71(X): Zheng Yongjun,Jin Zhiyan,Chen Dehui.2012.Kinetic energy spectrum analysis in a semi-implicit semi-lagrangian dynamical framework. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 71(X): XX-XX. (in Chinese) Abstract A large number of observational analyses have shown that the atmospheric kinetic energy spectrum in the free troposphere and lower stratosphere possesses a wavenumber dependence of for large scale systems, and a transition to a dependence for small- meso scale systems. The kinetic energy spectrum derived from a numerical model is a direct measure of the dissipation in the dynamical framework of the numerical model, and the dissipation has significant impact on the performance of the numerical model, so using kinetic energy spectrum to evaluate the numerical model is a non-traditional effective method. In this study, the global/regional unified model GRAPES, based on a Semi-implicit Semi-Lagrangian dynamical framework, is evaluated by verifying the simulated kinetic energy spectrum against the atmospheric kinetic energy spectrum derived from the actual atmospheric observations. It is found that the GRAPES model is able to reproduce the observed atmospheric kinetic energy spectrum, including the transition to dependence in the small-meso scale. Meanwhile, there exists a maximum effective time-step, when the time-step is smaller/larger than the maximum effective time-step, the simulated kinetic energy spectrum gradually decays/unphysically grows as the time-step increases. And compared with the observational atmospheric kinetic energy spectrum, the simulated kinetic energy spectrum decays rapidly at the wavelength of about , so we define the wavelength as the highest effective


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