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实训(论文)说明书 题 目: 声光控开关设计 院 (系): 应用科技学院 专 业: 电子信息工程 学生姓名: 李春铸 学 号: 0901130119 指导教师: 王守华 刘洪林 2011年 6 月 24 日 摘要:在学校、机关、厂矿企业等单位的公共场所以及居民区的公共楼道,长明灯现象十分普遍,这造成了能源的极大浪费。另外,由于频繁开关或者人为因素,墙壁开关的损坏率很高,增大了维修量、浪费了资金。 在本设计中介绍了种声光控路灯控制器的组成、性能,适用范围及工作原理,给出各电路原理图及元件参数选择,节电效果十分明显,同时也大大减少了维修量、节约了资金,使用效果良好。白天光照好,不管过路者发出多大声音,都不会是灯泡发亮。夜晚光暗,电路的拾音器只要检测到有碎发声响,就会自动亮为行人照明,过几分钟后又自动熄灭,节能节点。 :In schools, offices, factories and enterprises and other units of public places and residential areas of the public corridor, a long light is widespread, which caused a great waste of energy. In addition, due to frequent switching or man-made, wall switch failure rate is high, increasing the amount of maintenance, waste of money. Therefore, designing a sound and light control switch to control a lamp circuit is necessary, you can save power. ???? In this design introduces a street light controller, sound and light control the composition, performance, application and operating principle, gives the circuit diagram and component parameters, energy-saving effect is very obvious, while also greatly reducing the amount of maintenance, save money, with favorable results. During the day light is good, regardless of passers-by how much the sound issue, not a bulb light up. Night brightness, the circuit of pickup as long as the detected sound burst, it will automatically light for the pedestrian lighting, a few minutes and then automatically turns off, saving the node. Key words:Sensors, sound and light control, automatic control…………………………………………………………………………4 1总体方案设计………………………………………………………………5 1.1方案设计……………………………………………………………………5 1.2电路原理分析………………………………………………………………6 2 电路设计………………………………………………………………………8 2.1所需电子部件清单…………………………………………………………8 2.2制作与调试…………………………………………………………………10 3总结与心得……………………………………………………………………11 谢辞………………………………………………………………………………12 参考文献…………………………………………………………………………13 引言 在现代生活中,传感器的作用越来越大。在日常生活中,传感器的应用越来越广泛,而声光控


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