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* * Section A Period 1 Study aims(学习目标) 课标要求 1.学习形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成:规则变化. 2. 能使用形容词的比较级来比较人物的外表和个性差异. 学习语法 S.+be+adj.比较级+than+被比较对象 Words Expressions outgoing twin calm wild serious smart athletic note mean 友好的;外向的 孪生的;双胞胎的 镇静的;沉着的 卤莽的;轻率的  严肃的;庄重的 聪明的;伶俐的 擅长运动的;活跃的 注释;说明 作……的解释 Learning 学 What is he/she like? long hair short hair tall short heavy thin wild calm Guiding 导 Yao Ming is Jordan. Jordan is tall. Yao Ming is taller. Jordan 2.26 1.98m taller than Jordan is Yao Ming. shorter than Yao Ming is Jordan. Jordan taller than S.+be+adj.比较级+than+被比较对象 calm Lu Yi is Liu Xiang. Liu Xiang is calm . calmer Lu Yi is calmer. calmer than Acting 演 wild Micheal Jackson is wilder than him . He is wild . wilder Micheal Jackson is wilder. athletic Cheng Long is Li Xiaopeng. Li Xiaopeng is athletic. Cheng Long is more athletic. more athletic more athletic than more outgoing Li Yong is Cheng long. Cheng Long is outgoing. Li Yong is more outgoing. outgoing more outgoing than serious more serious Beckham Mr. Green Beckham is serious. Mr. Green is more serious. Mr.Greenis more serious than Beckham. 1a Match each word with its opposite. tall wild thin short hair long hair heavy calm short Practicing 练 1 2 3 Listen and number the pairs of the twins (1-3). Listen again and fill in the blanks: 1.Sam has ______hair than Tom.Tom’s _______than Sam. 2.Tina is _______than Tara. She’s also______. 3. Pedro’s _______ than Paul. And Paul’s _______ than Pedro. calmer taller wilder heavier shorter longer Testing 过 1 2 3 1b Make sentences about the twins. Tara is shorter than Tina.= Tina is wilder than Tara.= Sam has longer hair than Tom.= Tom is


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