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Learning Points Warming-up discussion Starting up Match the dishes to the adjectives then make sentences like:Curry is an Indian dish. Spaghetti goulash Vocabulary Steak 牛扒 Menu Menu Language focus 1:some/any Language focus 2: Countable Uncountable Nouns Countable uncountable nouns Confusing uncountable nouns Case study:Which restaurant? Key to the writing exercise Put the following dialogue into the correct order. You should try the roast duck . It is delicious. No thanks. I am full. Would you like a starter ? Right. I will get bill. I would like the soup ,please. Would you like a dessert. What do you recommend for the main course? Thanks very much. That was a lovely meal. I really enjoyed it. Listening 1 4 3 2 7 6 5 8 B Countable nouns are individual objects, people, places, etc. which can be counted. A countable noun can be both singular or plural. book - books Italian - Italians picture - pictures, station - stations, man - men woman - women Uncountable nouns are materials, concepts, information, etc. which are not individual objects and can not be counted. Uncountable nouns are always singular. information, water, coffee, cheese, butter, wine, tea, sugar, milk, bread, rice understanding, wood, money, air, wind, soap, perfume, shampoo Use the singular or plural form of the verb with singular or plural countable nouns. There is a book on the table. That student is excellent. That student comes from Hong Kong. There are some students in the classroom. Those houses are very big, aren’t they? Always use the singular form of the verb with uncountable nouns. There is some water in that pitcher. That is the equipment we use for the project. The information you gave us is very useful. The food of this restaurant is very good and the service is excellent. accommodation - a place to stay, a hotel room advice - a piece of advice baggage - a piece of baggage bread - a slice of bread, a loaf of bread equipment - a piece


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