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can/must情态动词表推测P70 2. –That man must be Sarah’s husband. --No, he_____ be her husband. She is still single. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. may not D. ought to 3. Peter _____come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure. A. must B. may C. can D. will 8. Susan refuses to marry Jack now. She ______her mind. A. must change B. should have changed C. must have changed D. would have changed Unit 23 Whose mistake? Words and expressions mistake:n.错误 judge: n. 评判员 v. 判断,审判 receive: v.收到 base: n. 基座 insist: v. 坚持,坚持认为 sculptor: n. 雕塑家 sculpture 雕塑 Words and expressions dollar: n. 元 traditional: adj. 传统的 traditional culture 传统文化 choose—chose—chosen:选择 Exhibition展览 exhibition hall 展览厅 art exhibition 艺术展览;美术展览 exhibition centre 展览中心 on exhibition 展出中 awful 糟糕的 can表可能是。。。推测 must表示肯定的推测 can+动词原形 must+ cant cant 过去推测: could have done 过去推测:must have done 情态动词 can, could, may,might,must表推测的用法: 情态动词中的can, could, may, might, must都表推测。其中must的可能性最大,can / could次之,may / might最小。具体用法如下: 1. must的用法 (1)表示推测“可能性”时,意思是“一定、准是”,语气较肯定,较有把握。 He must be American. = It is certain that he is American. 他准是个美国人。 (2)must表推测只能用于肯定句。 如表示“一定不、肯定不”的意思时,应用can`t, 如询问某种可能时,应用can。 He must know my address. 他肯定知道我的地址。 (一定) He can`t know my address. 他肯定不知道我的地址。 (一定不) Can he know my address? 他知道我的地址吗? (询问可能性) (3)must表示推测时,可以推测现在/正在发生的动作/过去发生的动作。 He must have a car now. (现在)他一定有辆小汽车。 He must be doing his exercises in the classroom.(正在进行)他一定在教室里做练习。 He must have finished the work.(过去发生)他一定已完成了工作。 注:must表示推测时很少用于将来的情况。一般不用He must come tomorrow.可用It`s certain / I`m sure that he will come tomorrow. (4)在反意疑问句中,当附属部分含有表示推测意义的must时,疑问部分的助动词应与must后面的动词在非推测情况下的用法保持一致。 He must be a worker, isn`t he? (现在)他准时个工人,是吗? You must have learned English for many years, haven`t you? (完成时)你一定学了好多年英语,是吗? 比较: It must have rained last night, didn`t it? (过去)昨晚一定下雨了,是不是? He must have arrived by yesterday morning, hadn’t he? 2. can / could的用法 (1)can表示推测“可能性”时,往往用于否定句或疑问句。Can`t“一定不”,can在疑问句中意思是“会、可能”。


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