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30 3 ( ) V ol 30 N o3 2005 6 Journal ofK unm ing U n iversity of Sc ience and T echnology ( Sc ience and T echnology) Jun 2005 LMI Delta D 1 1 2 任俊超 , 王向东, 胡 刚 ( 1 , 528000; 2 , 510090) : 研究在圆形区域极点约束下的D e lta算子不确定系统的鲁棒稳定性和鲁棒控制问题 运用 性矩阵不等式, 给出了D e lta算子系统在区域极点约束下具有鲁棒稳定性的充要条件, 在此基 础上, 得到了 D elta算子系统状态反馈控制器存在的充要条件和解析表达式 所得结果将连续与 离散系统的有关结果统一到 D e lta算子框架中 : D elta算子; 鲁棒性; 性矩阵不等式; D 稳定 : TP273 : A : 1007 - 855X ( 2005) 03- 0064 - 04 LM I- BasedD- StabilityAnalysis and Control of Robust in Delta OperatorUncertain System 1 1 2 REN Jun-cha o , W A NG X ai ng-dong , HU Gang ( 1 M a them a tics D ep artm ent, Fosh an U niversity, Fosh an G u angdong 52 8000, Ch ina; 2 F acu lty of A utom a tion, G uangdong U nivers ity of T echno logy, G uang zhou 5 10090, Ch ina) Abstract: The focus o f th is pap er is on stability ana lysis and contro l o f robu st in delta op erator uncerta in system w hich is restricted by po le assignm ent in a circu lar reg ion A necessary and sufficient condition of robu st D - sta- b ility is presented using linear m atr ix inequ alit ies Based on wh ich, a necessary and sufficient cond it ion for the ex istence of controllers is derived and the analyt ic expression o f expected contro llers is proposed T he proposed m ethod un ifies som e prev iou s related resu lts of continuous and d iscrete system s into the de lta fram e Key ords: D elta operator; robu stness; linear m atrix inequ alities; D stability 0 D elta, , , D elta, [ 1] , D elta , [ 2]G ron - w a l


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