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世界优秀女子青少年竞走运动员高速区间技术模式构建探究   摘 要:?走技术的发挥(特别是高速区间竞走技术的稳定性)对比赛成绩起着至关重要的作用。采用文献资料法、运动学解析法和数理统计法,以南京青奥会女子5 km和太仓竞走世界杯女子10 km竞走比赛前3名,共计6名运动员的竞走技术为研究对象,把上肢的角度类及速度类参数指标和下肢的角度类、距离和时间类及速度类参数指标作为构成技术模式的关键技术参数指标进行分析。得出以下结果:世界优秀女子青少年竞走运动员高速区间肘关节角摆动不稳定,左右偏差较大,尚存改进空间;世界优秀女子青少年竞走运动员高速区间的腾空时间处在合理或模糊时限范围;踝关节前摆速度大于后摆速度,膝关节后摆速度大于前摆速度。依据结果设计出世界优秀女子青少年竞走运动员高速度区间下的技术模式 关键词:女子青少年;竞走;技术模式;运动学研究 中图分类号:G 808.1 文章编号:1009-783X(2017)03-0244-05 文献标识码:A Abstract: Race walking technique, especially the stability of high speed range race walking techniques, plays a vital role for competition performance. Through using the methods of literature review, kinematics analysis and mathematical statistics, taking the 6 athletes of top 3 from Najing Youth Olympic Games women’s 5km and Taicang world cup women’s 10km as research objects. The perspectives of the upper class and the velocity parameter index and lower limb angle, distance, time and speed parameters constitute the key technology of technology model parameters. The conclusions are as follows: the elbow swing angle of world’s elite female adolescents race walking athletes is not stable and there is comparatively high deviation between the left and right elbows, thus remaining room for improvement; the interval range of hang time of world elite female teenagers walking athletes is in a reasonable or fuzzy time limit; the forward swing speed of the ankle is higher than the backward swing speed, and the backward swing speed of the knee joint is higher than the forward swing speed. The technique model in high speed range of the world elite female adolescents of race walkers can thus be designed according to the research. Keywords: female teenagers; race walking; technique pattern; kinematics research 竞走技术的特殊性决定了竞走运动员的比赛成绩受裁判员的主观判断与评价影响较大,竞走技术在比赛中有着极其重要的意义,可以说技术是竞走项目的生命线。竞走比赛往往在最后1 km决出胜负,高速阶段的规范技术是取胜的关键;所以,探索构建世界优秀女子青少年竞走运动员的高速区间技术模式,指导我国女子青少年竞走运动员的技术训练是非常有价值的 1 研究对象与研究方法 1.1 研究对象 本文以2014南京青奥会女子5 km竞走比赛前3名和2014太仓竞走世界杯女子10 km竞走比赛前



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