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山西省来晋留学生政府奖学金申请表 APPLICATION FORM FOR SHANXI GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 申请就读学校 Institution to Apply for 申请人姓名 Name of Applicant 填表日期 Date 年 月 日 Year Month Date 山西省教育厅 编制 Compiled by Shanxi Provincial Department of Education 目 录 一、申请表填写说明………………………………………… 3 Form Instructions 二、山西省来晋留学政府奖学金申请表………………………5 Application Form 三、申请人保证书………………………………………………8 Letter of Guarantee 四、所附材料情况……………………………………………9 Materials Attached 申请表填写说明书 (序号与申请表中每一项序号相对应) Form Instructions (The ordinal numbers correspond with the ordinal numbers in the form ) 本表为山西省来晋留学政府奖学金申请表,在填写本申请表之前请详细阅读《山西省来晋留学政府奖学金管理办法实施细则》,了解申请山西省来晋留学政府奖学金的资格条件及有关规定。 This is the Application Form for Shanxi Government Scholarship for International Students(SGS). Prior to the form-filling, please read carefully The Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Administrative Measures on Shanxi Government Scholarship for International Students, and understand the qualification prerequisites and related stipulations on SGS application. 请申请人认真阅读以下填表说明。请用中文或英文填写此表格。请用电脑打印或用蓝色或黑色钢笔认真书写表格内容。请在所选项的框内划‘√’。不按规定填写的申请表将视作无效。 Please read carefully the notes below and complete the form either in Chinese or in English, which needs to be printed or written in black or blue ink. Please indicate with‘√’in the blanks chosen. Any application form that has not followed the notes will be regarded as invalid. 申请人的所有个人信息必须如实填写。 All personal information of the applicant must be filled in according to facts. 请列出你已经完成或即将完成的教育,包括中学、职业教育及高等教育各项。请随材料附上经公证的你的最高学历证明、毕业证书或学位证书和学习成绩单的原件复印件和英文翻译件。 Please provide the information about all the secondary, vocational, technical, and higher education that have been completed or to be completed. Notarized copies and English translations of your highest education certificate, graduation or degree certificates, and official transcripts must be submitted with the application form


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