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2013年全国英语写作大赛 主讲人:张媛飞 钦州学院外国语学院 写作大赛比赛内容 初赛:1个小时写一篇250——300词的短文; 决赛:1个小时写一篇350——450词的短文。 写作大赛类型 一:记叙文写作(Narrative Writing) 二:议论文写作(Argumentative Writing) 三:说明文写作(Expository Writing) 一.段落的组成 段落大多由三个部分组成: ? 主题句(Topic sentence); ? 扩展句(Developing sentences); ? 结尾句(Ending sentence). 1. 主题句 主题句表明全段是关于什么及讨论什么的段 落中心句,即:明确地表示全段要展开的 中心点,四级短文写作中最好是把主题句放 在段首 。 ? E.g. Smoking is harmful to people’s health. Medical science has now proved that smoking can cause lung cancer and other diseases such as emphysema. Your chances of having a heart attack also increase the more you smoke. Smoking is definitely a health hazard. 2. 扩展句 扩展句是用来说明,解释,引申,或论证主题句 所表达的中心思想的句子。 It is not difficult to make a right choice between buying a house in the low-rise area and buying one in the high-rise area (主题句).If we want to economize and get more personal area, we can choose the low-rise; but if we want to live more comfortably, we will choose the high-rise (扩展句). In a word, the key lies in the alternative of economy and comfort (结尾句). 3. 结尾句 结尾句是用一句话对段落的主题进行重 述,评论,或总结,借以强化主题,加深读者的 印象. English is favored on the following grounds. It is the official language of a number of countries. Of other countries, it is their second language. In still others, English is spoken as their major foreign language. That’s why English is so popular in our present world. 二. 段落的基本特征 要写好段落就要清楚段落应具有的基本特征,即 统一性(unity), 连贯性(coherence), 简洁性(conciseness), 重点突出(emphasis), 用字遣句有变换(variety) 1.段落的统一性 一个段落只有一个主题。组成该段落的所有 句子都应为这个主题服务。任何与主题无关 的内容,任何不能支持段落主题的内容都必 须舍弃。 例如: ? Autumn is a good season for picnic. The weather is fine and it is not as hot as it is in the summer. People feel cool and comfortable. The scenery is very beautiful with all kinds of flowers here and there. And there are various kinds of fruits. The peasants begin to gather in crops and fruits. 修改后的段落为: ? Autumn is a good season for picnic. It is easy for people to choose a fine day for an outing because th
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