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暗驰豫动力学实验方法 Subsequent pulses were applied with longer intervals, i.e., every 5 min, because the procedure can have an influence on the relaxation of NPQ (Walters and Horton 1991). The application of a saturation pulse every 5 min allowed us to maintain the influence of the pulses on the relaxation kinetics as low as possible, without any loss of information about the dark recovery. ECOTEK 暗驰豫动力学实验方法 Within each plate 14 plants were selected at random. This corresponds to the maximum number of traces that the used Chl fluorescence imaging system can record simultaneously. Chl fluorescence measurements were done on the adaxial side of the matures cotyledons. The Chl signals for each of the 14 plants result from the average values of all the pixels of that individual plant. ECOTEK 暗驰豫动力学实验小结 实验仪器:CF-Imager 样品:略 时间:暗适应2.5分钟后打两次饱和闪光;之后每5分钟打1次饱 和闪光,持续1个小时。 重复数:n=14 光:饱和闪光 温度:控制 二氧化碳浓度:略 湿度:略 ECOTEK 5 秒尺度动态变化 5.1 荧光参数直观成像 5.2 Fluoresence Transient ECOTEK 荧光参数直观成像 (CHARLES P. CHEN et al. 2011) ECOTEK 荧光参数直观成像解释的问题 Both exposure regimes lowered leaf photosynthetic CO2 uptake about 40% and PSII efficiency ( Fq′/Fm′) by 20% compared with controls, but this decrease was far more spatially heterogeneous in the acute treatment. (CHARLES P. CHEN et al. 2011) ECOTEK 荧光参数直观成像解释的问题 Decline in Fq′/Fm′ in the acute treatment resulted equally from decreases in the maximum efficiency of PSII (Fv′/Fm′) and the proportion of open PSII centres (Fq′/Fv′), but in the chronic treatment decline in Fq′/Fm′ resulted only from decrease in Fq′/Fv′. (CHARLES P. CHEN et al. 2011) ECOTEK 荧光参数直观成像解释的问题 Findings suggest that acute and chronic[O3] exposures do not induce identical mechanisms of O3 damage within the leaf, and using one fumigation method alone is not sufficient for understanding the full range of mechanisms of O3 damage to photosynthetic production in the field.


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