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参松养心胶囊抗心律失常机理研究 Study on the mechanism of antiarrhythmic effects of Shensong YangXin 药学班 程义如 ABSTRACT Cardiac arrhythmia is a kind of common cardiovascular diseases in the clinical practice,which have great effects on life quality and safety of the Patients.At Present, antiarrhythrmic drugs have been classified as sodium channel blockers,β-recepter bloekers,action Potential duration Prolong agents and calcium channel blockers .Although the classification of antiarrhythmic drugs are different, modulation the ion channels function is the basic mechanism. 摘要 心律失常是临床常见且对患者的生活质量和生命安全影响极大地心血管疾病。目前,抗心律失常西药主要包括钠离子通道阻滞剂,β受体阻断剂、延长动作电位时程药和钙离子通道阻断剂。尽管药物分类不同,其作用机制有差异,归根到底是通过对各种心肌细胞离子通道功能的调节来起作用的。 Compared to western medicine, some antiarrhythmic Chinese herbs with many components can multi一target modulate the disorder of ion channel function. It might exert antiarrhythmic efforts with lower incidence of adverse effects. 同西药相比,抗心律失常作用的中药不仅对心脏离子通道功能有影响,而且中药往往是复合药物,具有多离子通道靶点的作用,因而毒性低副作用小。 Shensong Yongxin(SSYX) is one of the compound recipe of Chinese materia medical including 12 ingredients . Previous studies on animal model showed that SSYX significantly inhibited the arrhythmiasic induced by toxic chemical compounds or ischemia 一reperfusion injury. Small random double一 blind clinical trials also suggested that SSYX reduced the number of ventricular extra beats in patients with or without structure heart disease 参松养心胶囊(SSYX)是一种复方制剂,方中多数药物均有较好的抗心律失常作用。动物实验证明,SSYX可以明显抑制有毒化学药物或者局部灌注损伤缺血诱发的心律失常;随机临床验显示,SSYX对治疗冠心病心律失常有明显疗效。 Objiectives To determine the effects of Shensong YangXin(SSYX)on L一tyPe calcium channels(ICa,L), sodium channels(INa), transient outward potassium current (It), delayed rectifier current. 目的 观察ssyx干粉提取溶液对单个心室肌细胞L型钙电流(Ica,:),钠电流


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