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双边讨论题 Discuss both views and give your opinion. 从题目要求我们可以知道,这道题目自然是两个观点都要进行分析的。需要考生们通过两方面论点的讨论,最终给出自己的观点,观点可以是偏向任意一个view,也可以选择站在中立的立 场上,只要言之成理即可。这类题目在argumentation中出现的频率比较高。 文章结构 第一段:现象句+考题改写+双边支持立场 第二段:论证立场一(主题句+支持句) 第三段:论证立场二(主题句+支持句) 第四段:折中+建议+预测 引言段 No matter in which country, children are, without any exception, regarded as the protected in society, not to mention making them involved in any forms of paid-work.The necessity of allowing them to make money with their own hands is indeed worth discussing 调用背景知识 引出话题 结合对考题文字的统一转换,自然流露双边讨论倾向 解释观点 Convincing arguments can be made that... It is noticeable/undeniable that … People who hold that 句子may have the following reasons. 主体段 双边结构的一个重要特点就是双边论证两种观点,在这篇文章里可以先让步论证一个观点,这样可以为后一个观点的论证提供很好的对比。 a. 让步分析 Admittedly, hardship and bitterness of life could drive people to become mature. Under working pressure, children think about finishing their tasks before the deadline instead of concerning how to kill their seemingly limitless free time. Work may be the only priority of their life. It is fairly different between taking a dollar from their parents and earning one by themselves. Only the tough reality can force them to get rid of selfishness and dependence on their parents, which is exactly one of the most urgently needed cures in parental education. 双边结构的第二段要论述对立面的观点,但是不同于上一段的是,此段不仅要充分的客观陈述一种观点同时还要带有观点倾向,因为要完成文章的第二个任务---提出自己的观点。笔者认为这样的观点提法比较自然,不需要另起一段提出而显得比较呆板。 b. 转折过渡+提出观点 However, everything is mixed blessing. Employing children to work should be viewed as a harsh treatment and abuse to them. Kids, after all, unlike adults, are immature both physically and psychologically. They are extremely vulnerable to both occupational hazards and social evils. More importantly, children are at the golden age for learning not only due to their brain structure but also their curiosity and desire for knowledge. It goes without saying that the silly action permitting children to work for financial reasons is ridiculous. 影响 B


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