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Top9:Lama Temple in Beijing(北京雍和宫) 【原文】Lama Temple is a renowned lama temple of the Yellow Hat Sect of Lamaism. The lamasery, built in 1694, was originally the residence of the Qing (1644-1911) Emperor Yongzheng before he ascended the throne. It houses treasuries of Buddhist art, including sculptured images of gods, demons and Buddha, as well as Tibetan-style murals. 【译文】北京雍和宫是一座著名的藏传佛教寺院,建于1964年,原为清朝皇帝雍正(1644-1911)即位前府邸,殿内供奉着神灵、恶魔和佛像雕塑以及佛家壁画等艺术。 【注释】 renowned: adj. 著名的;有声望的 v. 使有声誉(renown的 过去分词) ascend:vi. 上升;登高;追 溯 vt. 攀登,上升 Top10:Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai (上海东方明珠塔) 【译文】上海东方明珠塔以其高467.9米的高度成为世界第六高塔,它集交通、购物、会展等多功能于一体,游客们可以在350米的高空上进行360度全方位的俯瞰整个上海。 【注释】combine: vt. 使化合;使联合,使结合 vi. 联合,结合;化合 n. 联合收割机;联合企业 The Oriental Pearl Tower is the world‘s sixth highest tower with 467.9 meters. It combines travel, shopping, conferences and exhibitions. Visitors can enjoy a 360-degree view of Shanghai in the Space Module at 350 meters. Love our motherland. Please tell me: What you’ve learned. 请告诉老师:这节课你学到了 什么, 有什么收获。 Homework: Collect some other national flags and landmark next class communication. 搜集一些别的国家的国旗和标志性建筑下节课交流。 * Chinese 中国人、汉语、语文 中国的 China 中国 Where are you from? I’m from China. UNIT 1 Countries Lesson 1 I’m from Britain. Jim Mike Mary Who are they? Questions: Where are you from ,Jim? Canada I’m from Canada. Maple leaves 1、Where are you from,Mike? the U.S I’m from the U.S. The statue of liberty (自由女神像) Golden Gate Bridge (金门大桥) 2.Where are you from,Mary? Britain I’m from Britain. The big ben (大本钟) The tower bridge (塔桥) Fill in the blanks I’m Jim. I’m from ____________. I’m Mike.I’m from ____________. I’m Mary.I’m from ____________. I’m Li Ming.I’m from ____________. Canada the U.S Britain China Listen and repeat: (注意语音、语调) Read the text in groups. 小组朗读课文。 Play rol


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