四年级下比较级Beijing is bigger than tianjin.ppt

四年级下比较级Beijing is bigger than tianjin.ppt

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四年级下比较级Beijing is bigger than tianjin

Module 5 Unit 2 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin. the Changjiang River. 长江 the Yellow River. 黄河 Mount Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰? Mount Tai 泰山 the Summer Palace 颐和园 the Great Wall 长城 Answer some questions: 1. ---Which is bigger ,Beijing or Tianjin? 2. ---Which is longer ,the Yellow River or the Changjiang River? 3. ---Which is higher, Mount Qumolangma or Mount Tai? 4. ---Which is older, the Great Wall or the Summer Palace? 比较级的句式结构 A +be+形容词的比较级+than+B 选择填空 ( )1 He _____fatter than Xiaoming. A is B am C are ( ) 2 Nanning is _______than Liuzhou. A big B bigger C biger ( ) 3 Is the Great Wall older______the Summer Palace? A than B then longer shorter is taller than . bigger smaller fatter thinner 1 2 3 4 5 6 Exercises: 一、用词的适当形式填空。 1.Beijing is _____ (big) than Tianjin. 2.My uncle is ____ (old) than my brother. 3.Korea is ______ (small) than China. 4.Tom is ____ (fat) than Jack. 5.Lily is ____ (tall) than Mary. 6.John is ________ (strong) than Mike. bigger older smaller fatter taller stronger A B A * The cat is ____ than the dog. The dog is ____ than the cat. dog thin cat fat fatter thinner fat—fatter thin--thinner tall—taller short--shorter 在对两者进行比较时,形容词要采用其比较级形式: old-older young-younger strong-stronger weak-weaker 形容词比较级规则变化规律: 1.一般形容词直接加er: tall—taller short—shorter 2.以e结尾的形容词直接加r: late—later nice-nicer large-larger 3.重读闭音节的形容词要双写词尾字母: fat—fatter thin—thinner hot-hotter red-redder big-bigger The first stop: Visit the famous rivers. (逗留 ,站点) the Yellow River the Changjiang River. 黄河 长江 全长5540km 全长6300km 5540km 6300km The Changjiang River is ______than the Yellow River. The Yellow


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