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Module 4 Things we enjoy Unit 10 My Garden ( ) [教学目标] 1、通过单词游戏,帮助学生学习Look and learn 中有关植物的单词。 2、教学难点教学准备S2:I can see some flowers. S3:…… 2、让学生说说植物的各个部分,继续引入单词。 T: Look at this plant. Can you name the parts? S1:This is a flower. S2: This is a leaf. S3: …… 二、探究过程: 1、出事Look and learn 的单词卡片,让学生朗读单词。 2、单词游戏。学生两人一组,根据单词卡片做拼读游戏。 S1:Leaf. S2: L-E-A-F, Leaf. 3、学生两人一组,把描述植物不同的单词贴到植物通篇上,然后朗读单词。 4、利用学生贴单词的植物图片,引导学生说话。 T: Look at the plant, What’s this? S1: It’s a leaf. T: How many leaves? S2: Four leaves. T: …… S3:…… 三、随堂验收:(或随堂练习)leaf plant It has small green leaves. Unit 10 My Garden   (     ) [教学目标] 学习单词:garden, them, grow 2、学习句型:There are many plants in my garden. They have small green leaves. The plant has some flowers. 3、通过Listen and say,了解如何描述小花园。 [教学重点] 词汇:garden, them, grow 2、句型:There are many plants in my garden. They have small green leaves. The plant has some flowers. [教学难点教学准备)’re small and gren. T:Do the plants have leaves? S2:Yes,they have small and green leaves T:What does the boy do every day? S3:He waters the plants every day. (Picture 2) T:What are the plants like now? S1:They have flowers. T:What colour are the flowers? S2:Some are red. Some are yellow. T:What does the boy like doing in the garden? S3:He likes reading and listening to music in the garden. 2、逐句播放课文录音,让学生逐句跟读,并将黑板上的核心句型补充完整。 Plant My activities 1 Small and green leaves, grow Water the plants 2 Have flowers, red, yellow Reading, listening to music 3、让学生根据表格上的关键词,看图说一说。 4、朗读课文,然后看图说话。 三、随堂验收:(或随堂练习) 1、出示几张花园图片,让学生选择其中一幅描述,并请同伴猜一猜是哪幅图片。 S1:I have a garden. There are … S2: Is it Picture A? S1: Yes.\No. 2、Think and say. 3、Listen and follow. 四、课堂小结: 词汇:garden, them, grow 句型:There are many plants in my garden. They have small green leaves. The plant has some f



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