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Good looks and clothing are more important for success than good ideas. Throughout the history of mankind, people, no matter in the past or in modern days, have never ceased to pursue success, which is commonly defined as the great achievement in a certain field. Nearly every person is really into the factors that are related to success. (总结现象)Upon the question of whether good looks or good ideas are more important, different people hold different opinions. (引出话题)After carefully pondering it, I am inclined to side with good ideas. My explanation is stated from three aspects.(抛出己见) 首先,我们来看首段。一般来说,首段由三个部分构成:总结现象,引出话题,抛出己见。 因为本文谈论的是success,所以大家就要想到跟success有关的事。。比如,我在这里就写道,大家都很关心success。其实,关于success的托福作文很多很多,所以,如果大家能够总结出一套属于自己的开头模版,那真是极好的!其实丸子斑斑还不止这个开头,库存很多的。比如 The complaint that never before in the history has the success rate been lower than before is incessantly being heard in our day and age. Indeed, it is no simple task to reach success, but it does not have to be so hard. 然后,再balabala引出话题。引出话题的环节很简单。主要的办法就是,说一下大家有不同的观点。这里的模版句子也有很多啦。比如,Some argue that while others give the opposite idea.相信大家可以总结出更好的!最后,一定要highlig 接下来,就是三个段落,三个论点。大家看一下,这篇文章为什么这么精彩呢?因为它是分别从经济、政治和日常生活三个角度阐发的,这样层次感很强,更容易作者运用例子将自己的观点铺陈开来。说到例子,有一点希望大家注意:不要总是举个人的经历!我有一个表弟,我曾经有一只狗。。这种例子,不仅自己写起来无聊,批改官也会fed up with。当然,不排除有的高手可以写出生动感人的个人经历,但是前提是你的语言技巧足够高! 至于论点,斑斑有一点想要提醒大家,英文写作很重要的就是开门见山。所以,在写论点段的开头时,大家也要做到像写开头段一样,首先亮出自己的观点。比如这篇文章分别从政治经济生活三方面展开论证,我就在每段开头放上论点句: First of all, it is good ideas rather than good looks contribute to continuous innovation, which is the key to success in business world. Additionally, a thoughtful mind and decisive ability is more crucial than beautiful face in the field of politics. Last but not least important, a bright head plays a valuable role in our daily life. 其实,写这种句子并不困难,只要你自己总结出一套模版句就ok了。比如play an indispensable role...., it is beneficial..., it is conducive... , sth contributes to..。。 注意:斑斑是让你们自己总结,不是完全借鉴别人的!! First of all, it is good ideas rather than good looks contribut



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