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早在春秋时期,杂技(acrobatics)艺术就在中国初次登场(make one’s debut)了。 As early as in art the Spring and Autumn Period, the art of acrobatics made its debut in China.;最早发展起来的杂技形式是力量型杂技,战士们用手去旋转(whirl)很重的车轮。 …, with sb. doing sth. The first type of acrobatics developed was strength acrobatics, with warriors whirling heavy wheels with their hands. ;在汉代,杂技表演变成了很重要的娱乐项目,在宫殿宴席(palace banquet)上以及寻常百姓的庆祝场合中经常被看到。 In the Han Dynasty, acrobatic shows became important amusements frequently enjoyed at palace banquets as well as celebrations of the common people.;古代杂技代代相传。 Ancient acrobatics was handed down from generation to generation.;在1949年中华人民共和国成立之后,杂技迅猛发展。 After the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, acrobatics developed rapidly.;而今,已经有数不胜数的杂技团(acrobatic troupe),他们甚至经常被派出国表演。 Now, there are countless acrobatic troupes which are even sent abroad to perform.; On the Popularity of Wifi As is vividly depicted in the drawing, three birds are standing on the wire, while another is standing on the other side without wire, 它的整个身体都浮在空中。 with its whole body floating in the air. One of the three birds says: “He’s got wifi.”; By depicting this image, the drawer attempts to expose the popularity of wifi. On the one hand, it makes it possible for a wireless-enabled computer or personal digital assistant to connect to the Internet anywhere, making our life more convenient and interesting. And with the development of society, free wifi make it cheaper for us to surf the Internet. On the other hand, access points could be used to steal personal information transmitted from wifi users and there is still room for improvement in the signal strength of wifi.; Generally speaking, only when we make the most of advantages of wifi and get rid of its disadvantages, will it benefit us. ;1.正如图片生动描述的一样, 2.漂浮在空中 3.通过描述这个形象 4.企图做某事 5. 每个硬币都有两面,wifi也一样。 6.连接到电脑 7.数码的 8.使我们的生活方便和有趣 9.可获得的 10. 接入点 11. 偷取个人信息 12.改进空间 13.WiFi信号强度 ;14.总体来说,只有当我们充分利用WiFi的优点,去除它的缺点,它才能有利于我们。;14.总体来说,只有当我



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