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Translations 汉译英, 共5个句子,一句一题,句长为15-30词,句子的一部分已用英文给出,要求考生根据全句意思将汉语部分译成英语。 翻译需符合英语的语法结构和表达习惯,要求用词准确。 错综时间条件句 虚拟条件从句和主句动作发生的时间不一致 e.g. If I hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you _______________(现在就不能这样笑了) if 从句里有were, had , should , could 时,可以省略if, 把were , had, should, could 放在主语之前,用倒装结构。 要是你早些告诉我的话,我是不会签那份合同的 If you had informed me earlier, I wouldn’t have signed the contract. 虚拟语气在从句中的使用 Wish 宾语从句 1)现在 were/动词过去式 2)过去 had + 过去分词 3)将来 would/should/could/might + 动词原形 2. If only 要是……就好了 1)现在 过去式 2)过去 过去完成式 3. 虚拟语气用在suggest等的宾语从句里 demand, command, require, order, request, desire, decide, promise, determine, recommend, advise, resolve, advocate …(意念,祈使,态度动词后) (should) +do 4. 虚拟语气用在suggestion 等名词后的主语从句,表语从句和同位语从句中 advice, demand, order, decision, proposal, requirement, request, desire, recommendation 等 +(should ) do 5. It is + a. +that… advisable, desirable, necessary, important, essential, proper, strange, urgent, vital a pity, a shame, (should) do 6. 虚拟语气用在 目的状语中 for fear that, in case, lest (should) do e.g. She always studies hard lest she should lag behind Take your raincoat in case it should rain. 7. as if/though 8. Would rather/sooner 动词原形 表示现在或将来情况下的一种主观愿望或选择 I’d rather go there today 2) 现在完成式,表示过去的某种选择不恰当 I would rather have stayed at home (than went to the dull film) 特殊句型 强调句型 It is/was +被强调的部分+ that/who 句子的其他部分 2. 倒装句型 否定含义的副词或短语位于句首作状语时 neither, never, nor, seldom, hardly, barely, scarcely, not until, by no means, in no case, in no way, on no condition… 2) only 位于句首修饰状语或宾语 only 位于句首修饰主语时,句子则不要倒装 3)虚拟语气的倒装 3. 比较结构 as + 形容词/ 副词原级 + as more +形容词/副词原级 +than She is shier than her sister She is more shy than unfriendly no 形容词/副词的比较级 +than 同……一样 The cake is no worse than the one I baked last week. What 引导的从句-主语,宾语,表语 What you did has nothing to do with me. The +比较级, the +比较级 “to” 动名词 adapt oneself to /adhere to , stick to, cling to/admit to, confess to /contribute to, /keep to,/



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