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圣莫尼卡主图书馆(Santa Monica Main Library)位置:美国 加利福尼亚分类:建筑实景照片?-?文化建筑Santa Monica is almost perfect: a mild but sunny climate, broad beaches, dramatic bluffs, boulevards lined with palms, a progressive city council, and a beach town atmosphere and scale-very few buildings are more than four sto-ries-that clearly distinguishes this prosperous little community from the surrounding city of Los Angeles. Santa Monica‘s urban grid marches steadily up to the bluffs and the beach, with a single street, Colorado Avenue, projecting out into the Pacific on the deck of the old pier. With its small town character, this is a place in which every new building has an impact.In a recent poll, the city‘s most popular institution was its Main Library, and the design of the new library has been closely attended by city officials and the public. The program is moderate in size, but great in ambition. Our clients wanted no less than a model of a 21st-centurycity library: friendly and service-oriented, flexible, with the latest in information systems, a certified LEED silver rating for sustainability, abundant below-grade parking, and a cafe that would allow the facility to become the living room of the city.The site occupies half a downtown city block, seven blocks from the beach, with a glimpse of the water looking south down Santa Monica Boulevard. The area is generous for the Library program, which has allowed for flexible planning and room to expand. From the outset, design was guided by the goals of community and placemaking, not all of which were consistent with conventional wisdom for library planning.Converging and Gathering Despite the classic library dictum of a single guarded entrance, it is important to connect the library as closely as possible to its surrounding edges. Pedestrians are brought in from all the adjacent streets to enter the building at a gathering place near the center of the block. Entrances at either end of a wide gallery bring the public to a single information an



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