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Britain: An Introduction An overall view (I) St. Paul Cathedral back Big Ben Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特教堂(英国名人墓地) Tower bridge 11 1.The two conferences for American football are AFC, which stands for ____ and NFC, which stands for ____. 2.The Grand Canyon is carved away for nearly 6 million years by the waters of the ____ River. 1.A football team scores 3 points for a touchdown. 2.The most excited moment in baseball game is a homerun. 1.Ronald Reagan used to be a ____. A.baseball player B.sports radio announcer C.conservative political columnist D.sports writer 2.The city of ____ has vestiges of old Southern plantations. A.New Orleans B.San Francisco C.Los Angels D.San Diego 1.NBA 12 1.Jazz music, as a musical form, initially performed and appreciated by ____. 2.In jazz music, major musical instruments include ____, and ____, and some others. 1.At the end of the 19th century in America, folk music could only be found in the state of New York. 2.Jazz music played in Chicago differed from New Orleans style jazz in that the music was played at a faster tempo. 1.What is not included in the “front line” of the jazz ensemble? A.A trumpet. B.A clarinet. C.A piano. D.A trombone. 2.Blues was derived from a blend of field chantey and spiritual which is ____. A.a form of rock ‘n’ roll singing popular among American teenagers B.a form of operatic singing originated from Southern European countries C.a form of country music singing D.a form of hymn singing prevalent in African-American Christian churches 图 片 欣 赏 * * 课程名称 : 英语国家概况 学时:64???学分:4 开课单位:西北农林科技大学 大纲编写人:陈毅 适用专业:英语专业 一、教学进度表 周次 计划进度 讲授课 习题及讨论 1 Introduction 1 1 2 Land and People 1 1 3 National Economy 1


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