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Words?of?wisdom ★ Hunger is the best sauce. 饥者口中尽佳肴。 ★ Each fights his own battle. 各自为战 ★? The lotus root snaps, but its fibres stay joined. 藕断丝连 ★? Regret always comes after. 人总是在失去之后才后悔 1. struggle (v./ n.) 与…斗争,和…一起并肩作战 struggle with… 为争取…而斗争 struggle for… 与..斗争,为反对…而斗争 struggle against.. 挣扎着站起来 struggle to one’s feet 注意:I struggled up the hill with the heavy bags. I could see the young boy struggling to free himself 艰难地前进前行;吃力地做某事 2. hunger (n.) hungry (adj.) starving 挨饿的 starve v starve to death饿死 the hunger for knowledge be hungry for sth 渴求 Stay hungry, stay foolish.(物有所不足,智有所不明) adj. anger health fool lazy care quick safe secure angry healthy foolish laziness careful quickness safety security 3. expand (v.) expansion (n.) 扩大,扩张,扩展;膨胀 (a business, organization, or service, number, size) expand the airport expand on the point 详细阐述 Eg: President Xi suggested that China and foreign countries expand cultural exchanges. 3. disturbing 引起不安的;引起烦恼的 worrying annoying upsetting It is very _______ to think that a wild animal is still at large. I am sorry to ______ you. Knowing his kid has trouble doing homework, the father felt quite __________. disturbing disturb disturbed 4. circulate (vt.vi) circulation (n.) 循环,流通 circulate one’s knowledge circulate one’s news circulate one’s information 传播知识/信息 Eg:血液流通全身。 The blood circulates round the body. 散步假消息的人会受责备。 Those who circulate false news will be blamed. 5. rid (vt.) rid sb. of sth. 使某人摆脱某事,去除 使世界不再有战争。 rid the world of war 使你自己摆脱恐惧 rid yourself of fear be rid of 摆脱 get rid of 摆脱掉,除掉,驱除掉 I just want to be rid of our parents’ control. He managed to be rid of his old car. We can’t get rid of all our old furniture. 类似词组: rob sb of sth remind sb of sth inform sb of sth


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