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3 1 3 ( ) V ol 31 N o3 2006 6 Journal ofK unm ing U n iversity of Sc ience and T echnology ( Sc ience and T echnology) Jun 2006 1 2 2 2 黄 震 , 张继春, 徐 斌 , 李兴虎 ( 1 , 650224; 2 , 1000 83) : 为满足活塞高速化和轻量化设计的要求, 需要在满足强度要求的前提下对内燃机活塞进 行优化分 与设计 论文采用基于有限元的优化设计方法, 首先分别对活塞进行有限元分 , 然 后分 活塞的两 个尺寸参数对活塞应力及变形的影响, 找出影响比较大的尺寸参数, 然后以活塞 的质量最小作为目标函数, 对此活塞进行了优化设计 经过优化, 活塞在满足最大应力值不超过 许用应力极限的情况下质量达到了最小, 达到了设计要求 : 活塞; 有限元分 ; 内燃机 : U 26213 : A : 1007 - 855X ( 2006) 0 3- 007 6- 05 Analysis of P iston Optim ization Design Based on F inite E lem entAnalysis 1 2 2 2 HUA NG Zhen , ZHANG J-i chun , XU B in , L IX ing-hu ( 1 Faculty of T ran sportation Eng ineer ing, Kunm ing Un iversity of Science and T echno logy, Kunm ing 650224, China; 2 Be ijing U niversity of Aeronautics and A stronautics, Be ijing 100083, China) Abstract: To satisfy the need for design ing h igh sp eed and light w eight p istons, optmi ization analysis and design m u st be perform ed on p iston s under intension range U sing opt mi ization design m ethod based on finite elem ent a- nalysis, f in ite elem ent analysis of the p iston is m ade in this p aper Then the in flu ence of tw o dmi ension param e- ters on p iston stress and de fo rm ation is analyzed A fter ana lyzing the p aram e ters wh ich influ ence p iston stress greatly, the p iston opt mi iza tion design w ith the goal o fm inmi izing tota lm ass is accom plished A fter optmi izat ion, the w eight of p iston reaches the m in mi um w ithin adm issible stress and the design requ irem ent is achieved K ey words: p iston; finite e lem ent analys



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