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1.Is there room for disagreement in science? I think there must be disagreement in science. If a so-called truth isn’t demonstrated by experiment, then it won’t be really truth. We are obliged to grow up in skepticism, requiring proofs for every assertion about nature. Disagreement can stimulate us to search for the answers and ultimately lead to human’s progress. 2. Are animals able to think? Some ethologists who see no compelling reasons to doubt that animals in general are quite capable of real thinking and do quite a lot of it—thinking that isn’t as dense as human thinking, that is sparser because of the lack of language and the resultant lack of metaphors to help the thought along, but thinking nonetheless. 3. Is our behavior mainly shaped by our genes or by our environment? One group of highly intelligent, beautifully trained, knowledgeable, and imaginative scientists maintaining that all behavior, animal and human, is governed exclusively by genes, and another group of equally talented scientists asserting that all behavior is set and determined by the environment or by culture. There is not a certain answer yet, but one thing is certain that we can learn quite a lot in the debate. 4. Should we teach what we don’t know? The things unknown are educational experiences that no college student should be allowed to miss. Teach like that can stimulate students’ interests for learning, also, students can improve their abilities of career performance, and analytical and problem solving abilities which are thought of the most important spirits in science. Introduction about the Author LewisThomas(1913_December3,1993):American physician,etymologist,essayist,educator,and researcher.Born in Flushing,New York,he attended Princeton University and Harvard Medical School.He became Dean of Yale Medical School and New York University School of Medicine,and President of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.In 1974 he won the National Book Award f


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