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14秋学期《windows可视化编程》在线作业-答案(国外英语资料) 14 autumn semester windows visual programming online homework Total score: 100 test time: - test scores: 96 Radio questions (40 questions, 80 points) Score: 76 1., when you open a file using FileStream, you specify the operating system to open an existing file and locate the file read and write pointer at the end of the file by using the member of the FileMode enumeration type. A. Append B. Create C. CreateNew D. Truncate The correct answer: A Full Score: 2 points: 2 2. in the VS.NET window, in the () window, you can see the level information of the class and type of the current project A. Solution Explorer B. class view C. resource view D. property The correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 2 3., if you want to set the form to transparent, then () A. sets the FormBoderStyle property to None B. sets the Opacity property to less than 100% C. sets the locked property to True D. sets the Enabled property to True The correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 2 4. which controls are used to select or not to choose, and a number of the same controls are placed in a group to be used to select one of them. Such a control is () A. Tags B. radio button C. text box D. check box The correct answer: D Full Score: 2 points: 2 5. using VS.NETs new C# project to create a Windows form application called SimpleForm, you can set the Copyright/Trademark attribute information of that assembly in the build () file A. Form1.resx B. SimpleForm.sln C. SimpleForm.csproj D. AssemblyInfo.cs The correct answer: D Full Score: 2 points: 2 6., when defining a class, if you want a method of the class to be further improved in the class to handle the needs of different derived classes, you should declare the method as () A. sealed B. public C. virtual D. overriade The correct answer: C Full Score: 2 points: 2 7. in the MDI main form, how do you create a new MDI child form? A., Form1_NewMdiChild=new_Form1 (); NewMdiChild.MdiParent=this; B., Form1_NewMdiChild=new_Form


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