Oracle SQL开发笔记(国外英语资料).doc

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Oracle SQL开发笔记(国外英语资料)

Oracle SQL开发笔记(国外英语资料) [explanation]: This article is based on the content of the book SQL basic Second Edition, which takes the form of learning notes to sort out the essence. There are also Oracle knowledge that I have learned from other sources. This article was once sent on my blog, but neither content nor typography has been carefully reviewed. The title of the article is also named after the books reading notes. This is not only the name of the article was modified, but also to supplement the content, typesetting is also more beautiful, easy to find reading. Chapter 1: storing information in tables The content of this chapter is too simple, a little understanding of the database, you know, do not write. The second chapter: get information from the table 1, select statement Select,, T.Name, form, TTT, t, --t are aliases for tables, and form TTT as t can also be written; Select * form TTT -- * said all columns; The select distinct * from TTT --distinct indicates duplicate records in the removal of the result Select * from TTT Where t.id10 --where stands for conditions Order, by,, ASC, T.Name, DESC; --order by specifies which fields to sort by; ASC is ascending, and DESC is descending Select T.Name as name from TTT; --as change query result heading 2, the availability of where comparison conditions are: Equals: =, , , =, , = Contains: in, not, in Range: between, not, between Matching tests: like, not, like Null tests: is, null, is Boolean links: and, or, not 3, wildcards: in the where clause, wildcards are used with the like criteria. In Oracle: % (percent) used to represent any number of characters, or may have no character. _ (underlined) said an unknown character exactly. (question marks) used to indicate the exact unknown character. # (wells) used to indicate the exact numbers in Arabia, 0 to 9. [a-d] (square brackets) is used to represent the range of characters, from a to D here. # (square brackets contain wildcards) denotes the character itsel



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