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perl哈希表(国外英语资料) This article focuses on the concept of an Perl hash table, where the Perl hash table is different from the array in that the index is not numeric, but the name. That is to say, the index (here we call it key) is not a numeric, but arbitrary, unique string. Perl base Perl hash table First, what is the Perl hash table? The Perl hash table is a data structure similar to an array where you can store values or retrieve values from them. However, unlike arrays, the index is not numeric, but name. That is to say, the index (here we call it key) is not a numeric, but arbitrary, unique string. Key can be an arbitrary string, and you can use any string as key, but they are unique. Another way to think about hash is to think of it as a bunch of data (abarrelofdata), each of which has a corresponding tag. You can access the elements corresponding to this tag by tag. But there is no concept of the first element. In an array, the array element starts with the 0,1,2 number. In hash, however, there is no definite order, so there is no first element. Just some set of key/value pairs. Keys and values are arbitrary scalars, but keys is usually converted to strings. Therefore, if the expression 50/20 is used as keys, it is usually converted to a string of 3 characters, 2.5. Due to Perls no unnecessary restrictions design philosophy: hash can be of any size, from empty hash (without key/value pairs), to any size you allow for memory. Keys is unique, but values can be repeated. Hashs value can be numbers, strings, undef, or their blending, but key is unique. Why use the Perl hash table? You can think of hash as a simple database, where each key can have a block of data. If your task is about querying, repeating, unique, cross referencing, and query tables, hash is likely to help you with such applications. Two, access to the Perl hash table elements To access the hash element, you can use the following syntax: $hash{$some_key} This method and accessing array elements are


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