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体育彩票中的数学(国外英语资料) Prepare 0 - 90 digital cards. (1) take one card at random, and the probability of pumping the number 8 is 10%. (2) take one card at random, and the probability of pumping the number 0 is 10%. (3) take two cards at will, take the first one to 8, then put it back, continue to smoke second, second to 0, and get the number combination 80, the probability is 1%. (4) the chance of getting the number 806 is 0.1% by drawing three cards at random from above. (5) draw seven cards at random, and the possibility of getting the number 8065249 is 60%. (6) 3983496 is a sports lottery number, the possibility of this note lottery prize is 70%. (7) if each person buys 5 note lottery tickets, the possibility of a top prize will be about 30%. Mathematical problems in Chinese Sports Lottery The mathematical problem in the lottery is mainly a question of the probability of winning. A combination of games such as welfare lottery has a special combination formula for calculation. The probability of sports lottery is only discussed here. (1) first of all, the probability of a special prize is easily calculated. 7 numbers have 0000000 to 9999999 in 107 cases, and the main prize number is only one, so the main prize winning probability is 10-7. (two) discuss the winning probability of one to five prizes. For the sake of narration, the following provisions are made: Number one, the winning number and positions of the same, said, if different with * can be said with value. In 1., the first prize comes in two forms: hundred, ten, eight and ten thousand A. for XXX, XXX, * * in only nine cases, this is because x = 0 So there are 9 hundred million x form of first prize. B. also knows that there are 9 hundred and twenty million form of first prize. Therefore, there are 18 first prize. Therefore, the probability of winning first prize is 18 * 10 - 7 = 1.8 * 10-6 2. two prize in three forms: Eighty 1000 * * eighty value, XXX and XXX, * * the following eighty A. for XXX eighty * value


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