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四维空间的神秘性质!!!!!!(国外英语资料) What this article is going to explore is not fancy alien technology, but real human knowledge, and used to link and explain some mysterious phenomena. China net community Knowledge literacy must be carried out before beginning. Note that the four-dimensional space does not refer to the three-dimensional space in Einsteins general relativity, plus one dimension time, which is a big misunderstanding in the field of cognition. In fact, the time dimension is independent of the spatial dimension, one dimension space and also have time, two-dimensional space also has three-dimensional space time, and also have time, three-dimensional space with one-dimensional time form a four-dimensional space which is not equivalent to that of pure four-dimensional space. High dimensional geometry after Riemann geometry have been developed for many years, the structure of the universe in superstring theory in nine dimensional space and one of time, while the M theory in the universe is the eleven dimensional space-time structure of ten dimensional space and one of time. Then, how exactly should four-dimensional space be understood? Pictured above, two perpendicular lines form a two-dimensional space coordinate axis; imagine third lines through the intersection and perpendicular to the front line two, forming a three-dimensional coordinate axis; now, imagine the fourth line from the intersection through and perpendicular to the front surface of three straight lines, the formation of a four-dimensional space coordinate axis. However, this line is not possible in the three-dimensional space figure out, it actually extends to the four-dimensional space coordinate axis in the internal node (in the three-dimensional space, there are around six upper and lower direction; while in four-dimensional space, more inside and outside two directions). And so on, if there are fifth straight lines perpendicular to the first four lines, then it must exist in the five dimensional


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