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国际关系评论(国外英语资料) Contemporary international relations The economic globalization -- on Contemporary International Relations: the influence of the economic globalization is the objective trend of the development of human history, is the development of productivity and socialization of production improved results, its implementation in a broader space in the optimal allocation of resources, is conducive to the overall development of the world economy. However, for developing countries, economic globalization is both an opportunity and a challenge. 2O since the end of the century, the speed of economic globalization has been remarkably accelerated. Due to the development of economic globalization is dominated by capitalism in, it is a further extension of the capitalist mode of production in the world, therefore, the developing countries are at a disadvantageous position in this process, facing the difficulties and challenges of. Keywords: economy, globalization, developing countries One: the meaning of economic globalization Economic globalization refers to the global economic integration of the world economic activities beyond national boundaries, through foreign trade, capital flow, technology transfer, services, interdependence and interaction. Economic globalization is one of the important characteristics of the contemporary world economy, and also an important trend of world economic development. The process of economic globalization has already begun, especially since 80s, especially in the 90s. The process of world economic globalization has been greatly accelerated. The economic globalization, is conducive to the resources and production factors in the rational allocation of global capital and products, is conducive to the global flow, is conducive to science and technology in the global expansion, is conducive to promoting the economic development of underdeveloped areas, is the human development and progress, is the inevitable result of the development of the


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