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? Lesson 109;单词学习;idea n. 1) 主意 我有个主意,你打扫房间,我来洗车。 I have an idea; you clean the room and I’ll wash the car. 2)意见,见解,想法 我不喜欢金钱就是一切的想法 I don’t like the idea that money is everything. ;a little 少许 (置于不可数名词之前) 你要不要吃点蛋糕? Will you eat a little cake? little 几乎没有,很少的(置于不可数名词之前) 我几乎没有时间读书。 I have little time for reading. ;a little 与little a little表示“少“,但是还有一点,即重点放在‘有‘,而little则表示“有但是极少”,即重点强调“几乎没有” 瓶子里还剩一点酒。 There is a little wine left in the bottle. 瓶子里没剩下多少酒。 There is little wine left in the bottle. ;teaspoonful n. 一满茶匙 一茶匙的糖 a teaspoonful of sugar mouthful n. 一满嘴 嘴里塞满了饭时,不要讲话. Don’t talk with a mouthful of food. ;less adj. (little的比较级) 较小的,更小的 我明天的工作就更少了。 I will have less work to do tomorrow. ;a few 几个 (通常置于可数名词之前) few 和a few few是“几乎没有”的否定性意见 a few 是“有一些”的肯定性意见。 他几乎没有朋友 He has few friends. 他有一些 朋友 He has a few friends. in a few days 过几天 她过几天会回来 She will come back in a few days. ;not a few 不少的,相当多的 不少人犯过这种错误。 Not a few people have made that mistake. only a few 仅少数,只有几个… 房间中只有几个男性。 Only a few men were in the room. quite a few (口语中)相当多的 你必须等上好几个礼拜。 You will have to wait quite a few weeks.;pity n.遗憾 真遗憾,他又失败了 It’s a pity that he failed again. 真可惜,实在可怜。 What a pity! What a pity (that)…! ….的真是遗憾! 她不能来真是遗憾。 What a pity (that) she cannot come! ;instead adv. 代 替 我不喜欢喝啤酒,给我可乐好了。 I don’t like beer; give me Coca-Cola instead. instead of 代替…,而不 我要去看的是她而不是你。 I will go to see her instead of you. 她宁可买书而不愿到图书馆去借。 She prefers buying books instead of borrowing them from the library. ;advice n. 建议,忠告 Ask for advice 寻求建议 我请老师对我的英语学习给些建议。 I asked my teacher for advice on my English. give/offer sb a piece of advice 给某人忠告 让我给你个忠告。 Let me give you a piece of advice. take one’s advice 听取某人的忠告 听听我的劝吧,离他远点。 Take my advice and stay away from him! ;Listen an answer:;;;课文讲解;Just a little, please. a little “一些,一点” 用于修饰不可数名词 在杯子里有一点咖啡。 There is a little coffee in the cup. 我只有一点钱。 I have only a little money. a few “一些,几个“ 用于可数名词 在外面有几个学生。 There are a few stude



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