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Jonesmann骨折指第五跖干骺端与骨干连接部骨折。英国骨科医生Sir?Robert?Jones(1857–1933)自己跳舞后发生此类骨折并首先描述,故此得名。Jones fractures occur in a small area of the fifth metatarsal that?receives less blood?and is therefore more prone to difficulties in healing. A Jones fracture can be either a stress fracture (a tiny hairline break that occurs over time) or an acute (sudden) break. Jones fractures are caused by overuse, repetitive stress, or trauma. They are less common and more difficult to treat than avulsion fractures.????? A?Jones fracture?is a?fracture?of the?diaphysis?of the?fifth metatarsal?of the?foot. The fifth metatarsal is at the base of the small?toe. The?proximal end, where the Jones fracture occurs, is in the midportion of the foot. Patients who sustain a Jones fracture have?pain?over this area,swelling, and difficulty walking. The fracture was first described by?British?orthopedic surgeonSir?Robert Jones, who sustained this injury himself while dancing, in the?Annals of Surgery?in 1902.?????? ?Fractures of the fifth metatarsal of the foot are surprisingly controversial among radiologists, particularly concerning proximal metatarsal fractures. Some term these fractures?Jones fractures, others?dancers fractures, while others simply term them?proximal metatarsal fractures. According to Orthopedic Radiology (Adam Greenspan, 3rd edition), a true Jones fracture occurs one inch distal to the base of the fifth metatarsal. It is?not due to peroneus brevis tendon avulsion but rather a twisting inversion injury to the foot. Greenspan states that more proximal injuries are frequently misinterpreted as Jones fractures but really are avulsion fractures by the peroneus brevis tendon. These latter fractures heal quickly, while more distal fractures may undergo fibrous union only.A patient stepped off a curb and sustained a fracture of the proximal aspect of the fifth metatarsal. According to Greenspan, this would be termed a true Jones fracture.In contradistinction, this patient sustained a fracture of


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