新人教7下Unit7 It’s raining Section A(2a-2c).ppt

新人教7下Unit7 It’s raining Section A(2a-2c).ppt

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新人教7下Unit7 It’s raining Section A(2a-2c)

Unit 7 It’s raining! Section A—Period 2 Look at the sun. sunny They are running. It’s today Revision How is the weather? What are they doing on sunny days? It’s ______today. cloudy He is swimming. How is the weather? What’s he doing? Look at the clouds. It is snowing. What are he doing on a snowy day? How is the weather? It’s snowy. Hes playing the computer games. It’s windy. Look at the wind. What’s he doing? He is cooking. He is watching TV. What’s the boy doing? Why doesnt he go out? Because its raining. Unit 7 It’s raining! Section A 2a-2c 1、我能学会重点词汇和短语: cook, bad , park , message, him, could , back , take a message, call sb. back 2、我能掌握用英语打电话用语。 A:Hello,Linda. This is Jim. B: Hellow,Jim! A:Is Uncle Joe there? B: No,he isnt.Hes outside. Learning aims Work in groups 1. (小组活动1) 1. Read new words in P38 loudly . 2. Read one by one in groups. park message come back bad weather problem cook Listening (2a, 2b) Look at the pictures in 2a. How busy the family is! What are they doing? Before listening to the recording, can you match the person’s name with the pictures? Please finish 2b first. Match the names with the activities. c Uncle Joe ___ Jeff ___ Mary ___ Aunt Sally 2b a d b a. is playing computer games. b. is cooking. c. is playing basketball. d. is watching TV. Are your guessing right? Listen and number the pictures [1-4]. 2a 3 2 4 Pairwork Talk about the people in 2a with a partner. 2a Like this: — What’s Uncle Joe doing? — He’s playing basketball. playing basketball. cooking. Playing computer games watching TV What’s he/she doing? He/she is … A: How much is the hat? B: The hat is six dollars. A: And how much are the shorts? B: Oh, they are eight dollars. A: And the sweater? How much is the sweater? B: Let’s see. The sweater is nine dollars. 合 作 探 究 1、电话用语: 1)Hello, Rick speaking. 也可说(This is Rick.)喂,我是里克 2)Is that Jim? 你是Jim吗? 3)Whos that?


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