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新加坡的美食 Group B2 印度煎饼 Roti Prata 这道菜源自印度南部。它是用面粉做成的。 有些印度煎饼里面放了鸡蛋、香蕉、奶酪和其他的馅料配着吃。它有时在印度煎饼上会放一勺雪糕。 它通常是配咖喱一起吃的,但有些人比较喜欢配白糖一起吃。 Roti Prata originates from Southern India and is a type of Indian pancake made from flour. It comes with a variation of fillings including egg, banana, cheese and other fillings. It is also sometimes topped off with a scoop of ice-cream. It is served with hot curry gravy, although some people prefer to eat it with sugar. 肉骨茶 Bak Kut Teh 肉骨茶是一种排骨汤,用八角和五香等药材煮成。 它是配米饭和其他佐料,例如咸菜和油条一起吃的。 有些新加坡人喜欢一边吃肉骨茶,一边喝中国茶。因为他们认为茶能帮助消化肉骨的脂肪。 它的名字是“肉骨茶” 因为 Bak Kut Teh is a Chinese Pork ribs soup cooked in herbs such as five spices, star anise and other herbs. It is eaten with rice and other accompaniments including salted vegetables and fried dough fritters. Some Singaporeans like to have some Chinese tea while enjoying Bak Kut Teh as they believe that the tea is able to dissolve the copious amount of fat consumed. 辣椒螃蟹 Chilli Crab 它是在以浓郁的番茄酱和辣椒汁烹煮而成。螃蟹肉的鲜甜和酱汁的酸又辣是一个非常可口的组合。很多人都喜欢把小馒头配酱汁一起吃。 很多海鲜餐厅会提供这道菜。 The crab will be cooked in a thick tomato sauce and a chilli based gravy. The freshness of the crab meat and the spiciness of the gravy is a delightful combination. Many people enjoy eating the fried buns, ‘man tou’, along with the gravy. Many seafood restaurants offer this dish. 咖喱鱼头 Fish Head Curry 这道菜是把一只鱼头,放进咖喱汁里煮到半熟,然后再把羊角豆和茄子加进咖喱汁和鱼头一起煮。它通常是配着白饭一起吃。 这道咖喱鱼头有印度,华人和娘惹的版本。 This is a dish where the head of a fish, particularly a red snapper, is semi-stewed in a thick curry gravy. Lady fingers and eggplants are also added to the dish. It is usually eaten with white rice. There are Indian, Chinese and Peranakan versions of this dish. 炒萝卜糕 Fried Carrot Cake 这是一个很多新加坡人喜欢吃的一道菜。它先用面粉和萝卜一起混合,然后加进黑酱油一起炒。芜菁和甜酱也会被加进去。 这道菜有黑白两种炒法。黑萝卜糕是用甜酱炒的。白萝卜糕是不放甜酱的。 Fried carrot cake is a favourite dish among many Singaporeans. It is flour mixed with radish and then fried with dark sauce, turnips and sweet sauce. There are two ways of cooking this dish. One is fried


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