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* Focus2 text 3. Text: Searching for drugs or agricultural products. 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next 2. What are sniffer dogs used for? What Can You Bring into the US or the UK? * 注意事项 5 你可以携带价值不超过100美元的礼品进入美国而不需付关税。 6 不要将食品带入美国。将易变质的食物类产品带入美国是违法的,这包括水果、蔬菜、肉和植物。如果飞机上附赠的食物没吃完,就把食物留在飞机上。 Focus2 text Translation 3. Text: What Can You Bring into the US or the UK? Things to consider 5 You are allowed to bring less than $100 worth of gifts into the United States without paying duty. 6 Do not bring any food into the country. It is against the law to bring perishable food products into the United States. This includes fruit, vegetables, meat, and plants. If you were given food on the plane, leave it on the plane. 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Question about Para. 5 duty: 关税 e.g. Customs duty is paid on imported goods. perishable: a.(食品)易腐烂的,易变质的 e.g. Fruits are perishable in transit. * Focus2 text 3. Text: $100. 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next 3. What is the duty-free allowance for gifts at US Customs? What Can You Bring into the US or the UK? * 7 家用织品、衣服、专业设备和其他家用物品可以免税入关,但这些物品必须已经拥有一段时间,且不能转售。 8 某些动物产品不能带入美国。欲知详情,可与动植物卫生检疫局联系。 Focus2 text Translation 3. Text: What Can You Bring into the US or the UK? 7 Linens, clothes, professional equipment, and other household items may be brought into the country without paying duty — but only if you have owned them for a while and they are not for resale. 8 Products made from certain animal species are forbidden in this country. For more information, contact the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next * 9 可以带多少现金进入美国没有限制。但是,如果您随身携带的现金超过一万美元,必须向美国海关报告。 10 任何含有麻醉成分或由针管注射的药品必须附有医生的签名处方。走私麻醉品的处罚十分严厉。 Focus2 text Translation 3. Text: What Can You Bring into the US or the UK? 9 There isn’t a limit to how much money you may bring. However, if you are transporting more than $10,000, you must file a report with US Customs. 10 Any medications that contain narcot



