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3. If the latter exceed the former, assuming that risks and benefits accrue to the same person or group, the project goes forward. (L13) If the same person or group of people receive related benefits and run risks that may take place, and there are more benefits than risks, people will go on with the project. 如果收益大于危险,假设风险和收益将涉及到相同的人或团体,工程就会继续进行。 Paraphrase: 【译文】 the latter = benefits the former = risks If the former exceeds the latter= if benefits exceed the risks (something) accrue to someone (usually benefits) come into being over a period of time Many support the former alternative, but personally I favour the latter (one). Great benefits accrued to the local people when the infrastructure (基础设施)improved. e.g. e.g. 4. fall into become; to start to be in a new or different state The house was empty for many years and fell into disrepair. One false step can mean falling into debt. alternative (noun or adjective) 1) n. the choice between two mutually exclusive possibilities 2) a. Allowing a choice between two or more things She had no alternative but to ask for a few days’ leave because she was seriously ill. an alternative approach Searching online can be an effective alternative to gathering information from printed materials. e.g. e.g. 5. In the United States and some other industrial democracies, where people and their governments tend to be risk-averse, legislatures, courts, and administrative entities usually create a presumption favoring more safety rather than less. (L20) Both people and governments in the United States and other developed democratic counties don’t like to take risks and the legislative and administrative bodies make their decisions based on the idea that safety is better than risks. 在美国和其他一些工业化民主国家,人民和政府都倾向于反对冒险,立法机构、法院、以及行政部门通常会从法律上做出更有利于安全的假定,而不是相反。 Paraphrase: 【译文】 6. A frequent result is that legal choices for administrative agencies or individual decision makers amount to all or


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